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HomeLatest NewsFeijóo and the Paranoid Realignment Theory

Feijóo and the Paranoid Realignment Theory

American journalist Matthew Yglesias formulated the theory of “eccentric realignment” a few weeks ago (crank realignment) on his blog Slow Boring, which analyzes the consequences of migration and the integration of conspiracy theorists and populists into traditional conservative parties. A movement that, in turn, is dragging left-wing parties toward conservative positions on conspiracy theorists’ favorite topics, such as immigration or climate change, which a few years ago did not have strong partisan biases. Yglesias’ theory, which has enjoyed great success, is accurate in the United States, where Lincoln’s Republican Party has become a nest of lunatics, but it can also be applied to Europe and, of course, to Spain.

The last weeks of Alberto Núñez Feijóo are clear evidence of the adoption of delusional ideas by the one who promised moderation and politics to adults. In the manner of Carles Puigdemont, determined to act as president of the Generalitat in the face of Catalan reality, the leader of the PP has decided to form a parallel government based on his incontestable territorial power, armed with a disconcerting program that is a diffuse agglomeration of conspiracies against the unity of Spain and points of view contrary to sanchismo. Relying on his ideological principles and against his knowledge and political experience, Feijóo has dressed up as a ghost president. Armed with the blue suit and green tie that he considers appropriate for living in Moncloa, he has undertaken an international tour that is as useless as it is symbolic. As soon as he is in the Canaries to promise what he refused the week before, he goes to Italy to support a migration policy based on financing non-EU third countries (no matter if they do not respect human rights or are at war) to get rid of the problem, regardless of how or if people, legality, sovereignty and territorial responsibility are discussed.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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