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“He is constantly and continually losing votes”

The leader of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijoowarned that Pedro Sanchez “It has been over for a long time and now it is the end of institutions and equality” and he considered that the PSOE is “at a crossroads” and will hold a congress to “purge the last militants who do not agree with ‘Sanchism'”. Feijóo was interviewed by Radio Galega and gave his opinion on the situation in which the Central Executive finds itself.

The Sanchez government has been over for some time and now he is ending the institutions and the equality of citizens before assuming that he cannot govern the country,” said the PP president.

He indicated that the President of the Government ““broke the Constitution” by not presenting the budgets“constantly and continuously loses votes in Congress” because it does not have “reliable partners” and blocks in this chamber the laws that were approved in the Senate, where the PP has an absolute majority.”There is no government for the country“The government insists that there is a government for time, but what it is doing is wasting time. Spain needs a government, not a pastime,” he concluded.

The PP president argued that if the 2025 accounts are not carried out, it would be the first time in a democracy that a government has not been able to approve budgets for two consecutive years. Regarding the PSOE, he said that it “is at a crossroads” and that it will hold “a congress to purge the last militants who do not agree with ‘sanchism'”.

It is time for the Socialist Party to speak. If it definitely falters and becomes Sánchez’s party, Mr. Page -president of Castilla-La Mancha- and Barbón -president of Asturias- will lose the next regional elections for not being consistent with what they say and with the defense of their citizens,” he predicted. Regarding regional financing, he recognized that the communities have a financing deficit, but he clarified that it is not possible to “distribute everyone’s money by creating a section to keep the government of Sánchez and the Generalitat in the hands of the Socialist Party.”

Thus, he advocated “the return to a system of greater consensus, which consists of establishing the autonomous communities, distributing money among all, finding more money for public services, so that no one loses with the financing system, and setting the table and appropriately weighting the issues to be taken into account such as aging, dispersion, population size, the CPI or the cost of living.” Feijóo also referred to the investigations opened against Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, and the brother of the President of the Government and assured that “the corruption program that limits the activity” of the head of state “represents an unbreathable atmosphere in Spanish politics.”

The PP president spoke of “brutal harassment” by Sánchez towards judges, journalists and the media and argued that “censorship, control and persecution” of these groups “are contrary to the rule of law and such absurdities have never occurred in Spain.” In addition, he criticized the fact that the government continues not to recognize Edmundo González as the legitimate president of Venezuela and that Spain has served as an intermediary between the regime of Nicolas Maduro and the Venezuelan opposition, so that the leader who won the elections has left the country. “The Spanish ambassador is aware that the legitimate winner of the elections is being coerced and that the country’s embassy is being used to carry out an act of pressure that is impossible to validate in an ordinary democratic regime like the Spanish one,” he defended.




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