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Illa defends a government “for all” and will not accept “the lessons of those who, by lowering taxes, demand more resources”

The President of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, participated at the Rose Festival, the party of the Catalan socialists. In fact, although Illa acknowledged that “it is a good day because “Catalonia needs rain”deplored the floods in Tarragona. The presence of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, was expected, but due to the weather conditions he was unable to attend. The President read the message sent to him by the President of the Executive: “There will be other occasions and he gives us a big hug.”

Illa reviewed the arrival of the socialists to the presidency of the Catalan Government and attributed it to “let us keep our convictions strong”, which he defined as: “Defense of the policies of liberty, fraternity, equality and dialogue”, measures which, as he emphasized: “They are needed more than ever”. Likewise, he defended that his government would focus on the “useful policies focused on solving specific problemspoliticians who want to reach agreements.”

On the other hand, it has been evoked as the force capable of stopping “hate speech” with “broad coalitions of those of us who share the values ​​to put an end to these speeches of a hesitant right, which does not know how to put red lines to these speeches.” Then, Illa emphasized housing policies: “We must ensure that everyone has access to decent housing or we endanger the equality of this country.

Regarding the Catalan concert, he stressed that they will look for “shared prosperity”which benefits the whole of Catalan, Spanish and European society”, as well as a A government “for all” that “will not perform miracles, but will work hard”In this sense, he has taken up the speech that various socialist leaders have launched in recent days: “Those who, by lowering taxes, ask for more resources, are not going to give us lessons, “This is something else that is not solidarity.”

And he defended that “Catalonia has returned to respect the agreements that allowed to have this government.” Likewise, he committed to respecting the commitments acquired with the “solidarity, with language and self-government.”

Before concluding, Illa addressed a few words to Teresa Ribera, recently appointed Executive Vice-President of the European Commission: “We have rarely seen a Spanish socialist woman play a very important role. It’s a crack. Nobody earns their job. She is honest, decisive…”.

Finally, Illa announced a triple revolution in his mandate: “That of normality, for a normal country, of respect and education.”




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