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Françoise Gatel, a strong-willed minister at the Ministry of Rural Affairs, Crafts and Trade

She will be the new face of the Barnier government’s campaigns. A face that should not go unnoticed, known among local elected officials for her brightly coloured glasses and her strong character. The UDI (Union of Democrats and Independents) senator for Ille-et-Vilaine, Françoise Gatel, 71, was appointed, on Saturday 21 September, Minister Delegate for Rurality, Trade and Crafts, in front of the Minister for Partnership with the Territories and Decentralisation, Catherine Vautrin (ex-LR).

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Although she remains unknown to the general public, she is not unknown to local elected officials: senator for Ille-et-Vilaine since 2014, vice-president of the UDI, she distinguished herself as president of the delegation to local authorities of the Senate, community and municipal councillor of the commune of Châteaugiron (Ille-et-Vilaine), of which she was mayor for twenty years. She is also president of the association Petits villes à characte de France, which aims to safeguard heritage as a lever for territorial development. In particular, she had a law passed in the Senate to adapt the organisation of new municipalities to the diversity of territories, known as the “Gatel law”.

Michel Fournier, president of the Association of Rural Mayors of France (AMRF), and Bernard Delcros, centrist senator of the Cantal Union and president of the Rural Parliament (which brings together elected officials, business leaders and associations), welcome this appointment, as well as that of Catherine Vautrin in the territories. They welcome the message sent by the Barnier government, which agrees to the AMRF’s request to maintain a portfolio dedicated to rural areas and to make the term “rurality” more visible. “We are moving forward in terms of recognition and symbolism”He greets the first, the mayor of Voivres (Vosges), whose association is fighting for the countryside to be better recognised for its diversity, a condition for promoting appropriate public policies.

Positive signs

At the end of the “yellow vest” social crisis, the AMRF had worked to have a secretariat of state dedicated to rural life appointed. It was chaired by Joël Giraud of the Radical Left Party (PRG), who was succeeded by Dominique Faure (Radical Party). It was also the AMRF that brought the idea of ​​complaints registers to the Elysée.

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“This continuity is a positive sign that should finally allow us to address with more resources the real challenges of the rural world in terms of housing, access to care and mobility in particular. Mr. Fournier emphasizes. The urgency is such and the needs so great that the responses will have to be forceful.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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