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HomeBreaking NewsSánchez suspends Barcelona rally due to 'bad weather', but event goes ahead...

Sánchez suspends Barcelona rally due to ‘bad weather’, but event goes ahead without umbrellas

The President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezcancelled at the last minute his presence this Sunday at the Festival of Roses held every year in Gavà (Barcelona), alleging “bad weather”.

The event, however, took place in a completely normal manner, without incident. In fact, only a few drops of rain fell and the participants They didn’t even open the umbrellas.

The agenda of the event remained intact, except for the planned presence of the President of the Government. It all started with the intervention of the Mayor of Gavà, Gemma Badiaand concluded with the speech of the President of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa.

The Festival of Roses, organized by the PSC, marks the beginning of the political career of the Catalan socialists every year.

According to the forecasts of the National Meteorological Agency (AEMET), some areas of Catalonia were in yellow alert due to precipitation. However, in the area where the CPS held its event, only a cloudy atmosphere was expected with little rain.

So the rally took place completely normally, in a pine forest, without it being necessary to change any logistical details.

Those who announced that Pedro Sánchez would not intervene in the end were the Catalan socialists. Moncloa did not give any further explanation. And so, Salvador Illa remained the only protagonist of the day.

Salvador Illa, during the Rose Festival 2024

The President of the Generalitat insisted that “Catalonia has returned to improve Spain” and focused his speech on the defense of the financing system of Catalonia – which, according to the agreement signed with ERC, establishes a kind of economic concert in this community – without forgetting the territorial aspects. solidarity.

“We are not good at giving lessons, but those who, by lowering taxes, they demand more resources“, announced Illa, in reference to the PP barons who criticize the proposed tax reform in Catalonia.

The ghost of the meeting

Sánchez does not appear in the photos of this Sunday with IIla, just as the PSOE and Junts did I avoided posting pictures of the meeting held in Switzerland between the secretary of the Organization of Socialists, Santos Cerdanwith Carles Puigdemont.

Cerdán traveled to Switzerland this Friday to meet with Puigdemont, the secretary general of Junts, Jordi Turulland spokesperson for this party in the Congress of Deputies, Miriam Nogueras.

Their mission was to convince them to approve the spending ceiling in the Congress of Deputies this week, as a preliminary step to advancing the general state budgets for 2025, although for the moment no progress has been made.

Junts has already announced that it will vote against if there are no significant changes compared to the text presented by the government last July and the document presented today is the same.

Another thing is that the PSOE can launch other offers at these meetings held in Switzerland. no lights or stenographersBut neither side has spoken of any pact.

The latest votes in Congress, such as the rejection by Junts of a law limiting temporary rentals, indicate that this refusal could be the way forward. “Whoever deceives us (or drives us crazy) should not count,” Puigdemont wrote yesterday on the social network X, in a new notice to sailors.

So, if the PSOE fails to rally Junts to its cause, it will have to extend budgetsa scenario that the government is already considering and that would add to the inability to approve laws due to the complexity of reaching agreements.

Trip to New York

Sánchez is not in Gavá, but he will be in New York from this Monday, where he will travel to participate in the United Nations General Assembly, which is being held all week. The Spanish president’s speech is scheduled for next Wednesday.

There he will convey to the rest of the countries a message similar to the one that led him to launch his so-called Democratic Action Plan, presented last Tuesday in the Council of Ministers. According to Efe, the government’s intention is that “the international community gets involved against hoaxes and disinformation with the aim of strengthening democracies and combating extremism.

Although beyond this plan, the United Nations agenda will be marked by recent Escalation of war in Lebanonwhere Israel has stepped up its bombing in its campaign against the Hezbollah militia.

This derivative of the offensive joins the open war in Gaza, which has been going on for almost a year. The Spanish government has played an active role in this conflict, distancing itself from other countries by officially recognizing the State of Palestine.

The war in Ukraine, migration policy and the sustainable development goals set by the UN will be other key topics of the UN General Assembly.

Sánchez will thus have the opportunity to highlight your international profilean area in which he generally feels comfortable, given the difficulties in reaching agreements in Spain.




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