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HomeEntertainment NewsA bath of youth with the Longe-Côte

A bath of youth with the Longe-Côte

Curved silhouettes rush rhythmically towards the sea, along the beach of Sablettes, in La Seyne-sur-Mer (Var). Cap, sunscreen and anti-UV t-shirt on the upper part of the body. Shorts and trail shoes on the lower part of the body. The group competence » The municipal aquatic hiking club begins its first session of the week.

Most of the 150 members of Randonneurs Seynois are retired. Three or four times a week they meet early in the morning to walk at high speed along the beach, submerged just a few metres from the edge. This Monday, July 22, the youngest hiker turns 64.

Born in the waters off Dunkirk in 2005, under the direction of Thomas Wallyn, a rowing coach who initially conceived it as a muscle-strengthening exercise, Longe-Côte now has nearly 16,500 members, “after the French Federation of Hiking”. Many clubs have sprung up on the coast and French championships are organised every year. One demographic feature is that maritime hiking attracts many retirees. The age group most represented in the discipline is the 50 to 70 year old group. “But it is far from being an old man’s sport!”exclaims Valérie (who only gave her first name), 57, who tried the experiment in 2021.

“Real drug”

Positioned at the front of the line, a leader parts the water. His role: to absorb the resistance of the sea to facilitate the progress of those who follow him. “The opener uses 30% more energy than the others”observes Gilles Imbert, a slender-waisted presenter dressed in fluorescent yellow from head to toe. “When you have to go ahead and the pack follows you, you have to give everything with your arms and legs to keep up!”says Valerie.

Two platoons are formed. “1, 2, 3, relay!”sings a walker, before giving up her place in the queue. After 1 kilometre of walking, the “competition” group meets the “leisure” group. A few handshakes, but no stops along the way.

Read also (2012 archive) | The Longe-Côte, the exhausting aquatic walk

Then a stone appears on the road. The usher turns to the group, waving his right arm: —Caillou! Caillou! » Hikers repeat in canon: —Caillou! »before improvising a side step to avoid the obstacle planted in the sand. “Set the pace with your arms”advises Jean-Jacques Brès, presenter, who closely follows the movements of the aquatic cohort. “Go after him, you are the same size”continues. “Let’s get back together!” We’re back together! »shouts a white-bearded man to encourage his troops to catch up with the leading platoon. Two women bring up the rear. “We left the speed freaks behind”They say with a smile, walking calmly forward, with webbed gloves.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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