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Socialist voices join the opposition and demand clarity in the tax agreement signed by the PSC and the ERC

After failing in Congress, the Popular Party took advantage of its majority in the Senate to force Vice President Montero to explain the agreement on Catalan quotas. This will be next Wednesday in an extraordinary plenary session of the Upper House. In the meantime, More and more socialist voices demand clarity in the agreement signed between the CFP and ERC.

The Catalan concert is creating acrimony between the socialist barons and the central government. The general secretary of the PSOE in Castilla y León, Luis Tudanca, was the latest to join the critical voices within the party and warned that will not tolerate an agreement that does not guarantee equality.

“I have already said it in this very room. I am convinced that the government will not allow any differences to arise. and privileges in the financing of the autonomous communities. And with the same force, I say that the Socialist Party of Castile and León will never support a reform of the financing system that does not guarantee fair financing for this territory. No, we are not going to tolerate it, we are not going to consent to it,” he assured at a press conference to announce the request for the appearance, at his own request, of the socialist senator Fran Díaz before the Cortes.

In this sense, he agreed with Borrell that in the pact to become president of Catalonia to the socialist Salvador Illa included this “concert”contrary to the words of the First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, who rejected this term.

On the other hand, the socialist spokesman in the Senate, Juan Espadas, stressed that what this agreement includes is “unique funding for Catalonia” and asks that what “is agreed with Catalonia must be agreements that other communities can reach.”

PP asks to negotiate the new model

Thus, he also stressed that “what we expect from the other communities is precisely that the singularities that Andalusia may have, or that other autonomous communities have, are reflected once and for all in a new regional financing agreement in Spain for the entire territory. common regime communities.”Catalonia, once again, has shown that it wants to advance its self-government and wants to manage its fiscal autonomy by introducing elements that allow it to move forward, as has already happened at other times in history, with the socialist governments in Spain and the PP governments,” he concluded.

The Popular Party also does not support the Catalan quota and is being harsher towards Sánchez. This time, it is the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, who has stressed that “with the money of the people of Murcia, he is prioritising Catalonia to guarantee the support that allows him to continue in Moncloa”. For this reason, he has assured that “We will not allow this” and that it is an attack that “cannot be tolerated.”

They also call for the new model to be negotiated multilaterally.”These negotiations must take place between all“with transparency, clarity and defense of the general interest,” demanded Borja Sémper, spokesperson for the Popular Party.

From the BNG, Ana Pontón took the opportunity to ask that Galicia can also manage all its taxes: “It is about breaking with financial centralismand we think that this is the moment for us to bet on a model that gives us the key to our money.” Among so many divergences, it will be the Minister of Economy, María Jesús Montero, who of all the explanations of September 4 in the Senate.




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