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HomeLatest News'El País' presents the terrorist Hezbollah condemned by the EU as a...

‘El País’ presents the terrorist Hezbollah condemned by the EU as a pacifist organization

THE anti-Semitic terrorist advertising strategy This Sunday, he found a front-line ally within the EU. The countrythe boss of the Prisa group, sister of the To be in chain and historical reference of the Spanish left led by the PSOEreleased this Sunday a title that he openly presents with pacifist varnish to the terrorist group Hezbollah, which has its nest in southern Lebanon, bordering northern Israel. There he imposes his particular dictatorship based on Islamist and anti-Jewish extremism, and from where he acts as an arm of this particular terrorist society which, against Israel, sponsors and pilots the progressive Iran with its sinister theocratic regime of the Ayatollahs.

“Israel is imposing a war that Hezbollah does not want”title this sunday The country on page 2. That is, the one who opens the newspaper after the cover. Preferential position for this particular interpretation of the Middle East conflict in which terrorists become victims and Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, positions itself as a warrior oppressor.

All this in the face of the escalation of the conflict in the hornet’s nest of this region in which Israel has been for decades. – since the founding of the Jewish state after the Holocaust – trying to protect itself from the war that has been declared on it from several sides by Islamic extremism through its multiple terrorist organizations created for this purpose.

The origin of this new escalation of fire, blood and street tragedies that the Middle East is suffering lies in the massacre of Jews committed on October 7, 2023 by the terrorist group Hamas, the other terrorist organization that Iran funds to attack Israel: more than 300 dead, 1,500 injured and more than 200 kidnapped – many of whom were eventually sentenced to die in captivity – the largest massacre of Jewish civilians in the last 75 years. Israel then undertookA year ago, the response with Operation Iron Sword with the objective, first, of saving the hostages dragged by the Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip and, second, to end the terrorist group’s operations in four phases.

“Military” instead of terrorists

In the detailed information of The country This Sunday, we’re not talking about it massacre of Jews that triggered this operation and this has led Israel to fight the terrorists in their nests: Gaza, in the case of the bloodthirsty Palestinian organization Hamas; and now in Lebanon, in the case of Hezbollah, which began attacking Israel just after the October 7 massacre.

Nor, in the whole of the detailed account on page 2 of the edition of The country This Sunday, at no point does the definition of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization appear. This despite the fact that For many years, Hezbollah has been viewed and condemned as such in the Western democratic context.. THE European Union (EU) classified it this way, without nuance, more than ten years ago. In USA We have known him like this for a long time.

The detailed report informative of The country This Sunday, during which Israel is censored and Hezbollah is a victim, some proper names of terrorist leaders are not contextualized. This is the case of Ibrahim Aqileliminated this week by Israeli forces. Prisa’s headline defines Aqil as “one of the military leaders” of Hezbollah, an organization that, instead of describing it with the official status it enjoys within the EU, as terrorist, presents it as a “militia.”

terrorist oppression

There is also no mention on this entire page 2 of The country to the real context that exists in Lebanon with Hezbollah and that the civilian population is also suffering in a country established for decades under weak governments that juggle to integrate the religious and ethnic multiplicity of the country. Hezbollah is an organization that imposes its own terrorist dictatorship on its own soil, outside the legitimate government of Lebanon.which seriously compromises. Something similar to what is happening in Gazawhere the terrorists of Hamas They command blood, fire and oppression outside the government of the Palestinian National Authority, which they insult with their armed strategy.

This is not addressed in this report. The countrybut the image of the aforementioned Ibrahim Aqil is whitewashed without putting into context the fame that preceded him with his real deeds. In the 1980s, Aqil was one of the leading members of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group, the terrorist cell of Hezbollah, which later claimed responsibility for the bombings of the US embassy in Beirut in April 1983. In that bombing, 63 people were murdered. He was also responsible for the terrorist bombing of the same legation in the same city a year later, in 1984. His 40th birthday was this Friday, the day the terrorist died in the operation deployed by Israel.

The US State Department placed Ibrahim Aqil on the global terrorist list in 2019 due to his involvement in several terrorist plots, including the kidnapping of officials in the 1980s.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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