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Board of Directors and City Council Support for Down Toledo Cross Country and Solidarity Walk


Updated at 7:12 p.m.

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha and the City Council of Toledo supported yesterday with their participation the celebration of the IX Cross and the solidarity march Descent of Toledo that took place in the city’s Safont Park.

Mayor Carlos Velázquez reiterated his commitment to continue working for full inclusion, “a good cause, which is good for society and, ultimately, for Toledo,” demonstrating this commitment by announcing the renewal of the agreement which will be signed this Monday with Full Inclusion Castilla-La Mancha so that the people of this association continue to collaborate with the City Council by carrying out work placements.

“We’re excited about the work that they’re doing and this agreement, and there are many lines of help and collaboration that we have between Down Toledo and between Total Inclusion and the City Council, because “We are firmly committed to working towards a more inclusive society.”said Velázquez.

The mayor of Toledo also highlighted the solidarity shown by Toledo society during the celebration of the 9th edition of the Cross and March for the benefit of Down Toledo.

For her part, the spokesperson for the regional government, Esther Padilla, announced that the Executive of Castilla-La Mancha will continue to allocate a “historic budget” to disability policies in the 2025 budgets, “as it has already done.” this 2024 with a figure of 159 million euros“.

According to Padilla, this is a “very necessary” element to be able to maintain supervised housing and guarantee the continuity of all annual activities and programs, “since they require a multitude of resources.” In this sense, he stressed the importance of approving the spending ceiling, also at the national level, “so that resources are not limited to autonomous communities and municipalities”To this end, the spokesperson called for “the collaboration and responsibility of all parliamentary groups.”

The regional government has been collaborating since 1997, with the association ‘Down Toledo’ in the development of various projects such as the training service, the residential support program and the Early Care program.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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