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More than 2,500 migrants, including 416 minors, arrive on the shores of the Canary Islands in one week

At least 2,658 migrants reached the shores of the Canary Islands aboard 41 boats last week, from September 16 to 22, most of them Lanzarote and El Hierroaccording to the provisional count made by the EFE Agency, and among them 416 are minorsAmong the assisted migrants, of sub-Saharan and Maghreb origin, there are 416 minors and 212 women, according to a Red Cross report to which EFE had access.

Although some transfers to health centres were necessary for various pathologies, No serious cases or deaths have been reported. these days, where landings have taken place on six of the seven main islands, all except La Palma.

The week has been eventful for maritime rescue, especially on Wednesday, September 18, when fourteen boats and 833 people were rescued in a single day. On Monday, the quietest day, only one canoe arrived in El Hierro with 67 people, but on Tuesday there were 182, on Wednesday the 833 mentioned, on Thursday 452, on Friday 496, on Saturday 328 and this Sunday 300 people were counted. .only in the morning.

Lanzarote was the island where the greatest number of arrivals took place, both in boats and in people, with 1,010 migrants in 18 boatsmany of which are inflatables. The island has reached saturation point in terms of migrant care, so the occupants of three of the boats located nearby were disembarked in Fuerteventura, where 227 people were counted throughout the week in four rescues.

The second island in terms of the number of migrants was The ironwith 952 people distributed in 11 canoesAmong them are 209 minors registered by the Red Cross. The resources to care for unaccompanied migrant minors in El Hierro are already saturated, which has led the autonomous community to proceed with transfers to other islands.

The situation of unaccompanied minors cared for by the government of the Canary Islands, numbering 5,500, will again be the subject of negotiations this week between the Spanish government and the PP, after the Congress rejected in July with the votes of the Popular Group (and Junts and Vox) its distribution by other autonomous communities and after the paralysis by the courts of the attention protocol dictated by the regional executive, composed of CC and PP.

After Lanzarote and El Hierro, it is the island of Tenerife where the greatest number of migrants arrived, 291 people in five boats according to the provisional and unofficial count made by the EFE Agency. 122 people have arrived in Gran Canaria either by their own means or rescued on board two boats, although a rescue is currently underway, as well as another in the waters near Fuerteventura. Only one boat arrived this week on the island of La Gomera with 56 people.




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