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HomeLatest NewsEU does not recognize Nicolas Maduro as president of Venezuela

EU does not recognize Nicolas Maduro as president of Venezuela

Just one day after the courageous show of force by the opposition to Nicolas Maduro’s Chavista regime in the streets of Caracas, the European Union stood firm and agreed on Thursday that will not recognize the legitimacy of the Venezuelan presidentNicolas Maduro. The failure of Venezuelan electoral authorities to provide the official minutes The votes of July 28th prevent the proof of his victory. This shows that the foreign ministers of the Union have raised their tone towards Venezuela.

At the same time, Spain has proposed to the rest of its European partners the option of applying sanctions against Maduro’s Chavista drug dictatorship, although it knows that this initiative is not yet unanimous; in fact, the imposition of new sanctions has been ruled out.

“A month later, there is no hope that (the National Electoral Council) will present the minutes. It is too late to continue asking for this. There is no record or verification and we regret that there never will be,” said the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy. Joseph Borrell after the informal meeting held in Brussels.

This is why he said that the European Union would not recognize the legitimacy of Nicolas Maduro as president.He has no democratic legitimacy as president. He will remain president in fact, but “We deny its democratic legitimacy in the face of results that cannot be verified,” added the head of European diplomacy, after indicating that his electoral victory “has not been proven” and that the EU “is not obliged to believe it.”

“We do not consider him a democratically elected president and in each case this will have consequences,” he assured, stressing that the EU will have to continue to have relations with Caracas anyway, just as it does with other countries that its government does not recognize, such as Nicaragua, a country that has been used as an example, reports. Ep..

In addition, at Thursday’s meeting, Spain proposed to the rest of the European partners that the EU apply sanctions against the regime, among other measures, since it assumes that the electoral authorities will not present the official documents, although this option has not been achieved. necessary consensus to move forward.

The Spanish initiative also did not receive much support from the High Representative, who pointed out that the EU already maintained sanctions against fifty Venezuelan leaders.

This announcement by the European Union not to recognize the presidency of Nicolas Maduro coincides with the threat by the Venezuelan Chavist prosecutor’s office to imprison Edmundo González, the opposition candidate in the elections from whom Maduro stole victory, if he does not attend his third summons.

This threat of arrest had not been mentioned in previous summonses issued against the opposition candidate. The prosecutor’s office has sent a warning to González. If you do not respond to the summons, the authorities will understand that there is a “danger of flight” and a “danger of obstruction” to the investigation and your arrest will be ordered.

This Wednesday marked one month since the fraudulent elections in Venezuela; on the occasion of this anniversary, the opposition to the Chavista dictatorship dared to defy the regime and took to the streets in their thousands to show Maduro that they are not afraid of him. María Corina Machado, the leader of the opposition, was there and addressed, microphone in hand, the crowd in Caracas who had dared to defy Maduro and his Bolivarian police.

Maria Corina Machado addresses the crowd in Caracas.

María Corina Machado regretted the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) that validated Maduro’s electoral fraud announced by Maduro’s own electoral body and proclaimed that: “Those who believe that time favors the regime are wrong, with each passing day we are more isolated and we are more organized.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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