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The lack of resources of the Civil Guard in Almería prevents it from intercepting eleven drug boats in a single day

The lack of resources of the Civil Guard in Almería prevents it from intercepting eleven drug boats in a single day

THE Civil Guard could not intercept eleven narcolanchas who dropped anchor on the coasts of Cape Gata (Almeria). And the reason is none other than lack of means and of effective what is Meritorious in the south of Spain to fight against certain mafias drugs every time more violent.

The Jucil professional association explained this Thursday the “weakness” of the system of Shipping service of the Civil Guard In Andalusia “with only a third of its operational vessels” and others “technically limited”, after this Wednesday an attempt was made to identify “in situ” the occupants of eleven anti-drug boats anchored on the coasts of Cape GataIn Almeria“without success”.

He indicated that the patrol Guadiana River I went to the region Polish tip to try to identify the occupants of the suspicious boats, captured while sheltering from the storm of recent days in numerous videos from users of the area, which have spread pictures on social networks.

According to Jucilhe “to carry due to intensive use and lack of maintenance” of the warehouse Civil Guard prevented agents from being able to respond “effectively” to identifications, “allowing the mafias to escape with impunity, even after two members of the crew of one of the illegal ships», so much did they abound.

Two castaways

Sources of Order indicated that a patrolman He went to the scene and tried to rescue the two people who had fallen into the sea after throwing life jackets, although from another of the “fast boats” a maneuver was carried out at “dizzying” speed to help victims “in seconds”. shipwrecked.

In this sense, the members of the patrol would have chosen, according to the official version, to contain their action to avoid a dangerous situation at sea both for the occupants of the different boats as for the two people who were in the water. Agents deployed on site they collected and they caught material to identify possible suspects.

He Communications Secretary and Spokesperson of Jucil, Agustín Lealstressed that this episode “confirms the association’s warnings” concerning the association’s “lack of resources and personnel”. Civil Guard» and how it ends «strengthens drug trafficking mafias who have been operating in this field for years.

“The reality is obvious: our boats are obsoleteare slow and they can’t cope narcolanchas modern, fast and well-equipped vehicles used by mafias”, they deplored before emphasizing that the existing system is “insufficient for a growing problem.

The association warned that “incidents like that of Cape Gatawhere the civil guards were unable to prevent the escape of the drug boats, shows how the mafias “They are acting more and more boldly, aware that the security forces do not have the necessary means to deal with them.”


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