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“He neglected to say he was a TIA agent”

“He neglected to say he was a TIA agent”

He minister of the presidency, Justice and relations with the courts, Felix Bolanosbefore the start of the Judicial Sector Conference – which brings together the regional advisors of the sector – which is held in Cordoba, addressed, in response to questions from the media, the news which has shaken up national politics: the statement by Victor de Aldamacommissioner of the Koldo case, before the National Court which includes the former minister José Luis ábalos, members of the current government or the organizational secretary of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán.

Specifically, Bolaños was asked about what Aldama said upon his release from prison last night, that he would provide evidence and whether he was concerned about it emerging. The Minister of the Presidency and Justice made a decision track that its Treasury counterpart has already started to transit, Maria Jesus MonteroThursday, when he described the commissioner in the Koldo affair as someone who “acted like”little Nicholas“” in his confessions before the National Court.

The Executive is thus trying to divert attention to the most shocking part of his statement – he assured that he had collaborated with the Civil Guard and with MI6 and with the CIA. [servicios secretos británico y estadounidense, respectivamente]-. “This man has made statements that absolutely call into question any credibility of his words. This man claimed to be a collaborator of MI6 and the CIA. He did not specify that he was a TIA agent. [the well-known agency for which Mortadelo and Filemon worked[laarchiconocidaagenciaparalaquetrabajabanMortadeloyFilemón][l’agencebienconnuepourlaquelleMortadeloetFilemóntravaillaient[laarchiconocidaagenciaparalaquetrabajabanMortadeloyFilemón»

Bolaños continued to ensure that Aldama’s defense strategy was to “recognize all the crimes he committed and accuse without proof falsely to the people of the Socialist Party. According to him, it is something “fairly obvious which cannot surprise us”.

And he continued to reiterate that “many confessed criminals use this type of practice, of admitting to their crimes and tries to dirty othersbut no one gives them credibility. This last statement contradicts the fact that the anti-corruption prosecution considers the commissioner’s account of the Koldo affair plausible, at least to the extent that it is criminally relevant.

Freedom of Aldama

He insisted on the argument of the government and the PSOE of gives “no credibility” to his statement before the National Court. “This man was released because he admitted all his crimes,” concluded the Minister of the Presidency and Justice.

It must be remembered that it was the holder of the Judge Training center number 5 of National Court, Santiago Pedrazwho decided to have him released Thursday evening, after his statement. The measure, which includes precautionary measures such as appearing in court every week, was supported by the anti-corruption prosecutor’s office.


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