Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 12:00 am
HomeLatest NewsTerrorist Netanyahu

Terrorist Netanyahu

If the State of Israel had not initiated this operation, the vast majority of the mythical international community would without hesitation characterize this sinister and murderous operation as the criminal offense that best corresponds to the facts in law: terrorism.

It is difficult to decide what is more disturbing: the Mossad’s ability to concoct and implement a plan to manufacture and distribute explosive pagers and walkie-talkies that, if they tell you about them in a spy movie, make you wonder what the writers did; or the devastating and quiet indifference with which the mythical international community has treated and accepted the fact that a supposedly democratic government is practicing systematic, planned and intentional state terrorism against its adversaries. The skillful planning of this dirty war operation has generated far more public debate than the disturbing legal and moral debates it provokes.

There is no known norm in international law that can protect a State from the distribution for years and months of bombs camouflaged in everyday objects of civilian life, the use of which no one can foresee and by which no one can anticipate. Even less does it support the decision to activate these bombs at one’s convenience, massively and indiscriminately, without any consideration of the mortal risk that this may pose to someone whose only crime is to be nearby.

In fact, if the State of Israel were not behind this operation, the vast majority of the mythical international community would without hesitation characterize this sinister and murderous operation as the criminal offense that best fits the facts in law: terrorism.

In his eagerness to expand the war to stay in power at all costs and avoid being held accountable by the courts for the corruption scandals he left in his wake, Benjamin Netanyahu has decided that there is little left to kill or destroy in this country. Gaza. Now it is Lebanon’s turn. When there is little left to kill or destroy in Lebanon, it will be up to the next weakest to decide. Neither the right to defense of the Israeli people, nor the prevention of a terrorist threat. Netanyahu’s political survival is the whole logic of the operation.

First he was allowed to turn Gaza into the largest open-air concentration camp in the world. Now he is allowed, with virtually no reaction, without even the requisite hypocritical diplomatic criticism, to degrade the State of Israel to the status of a terrorist organization that detonates bombs in offices and markets. To the title of genocidaire Netanyahu has now decided to add that of terrorist responsible for murderous attacks in the streets, in squares or on buses, aimed at sowing terror and with absolute disregard for the victims and the collateral damage they can cause among the civilian population.

The complicit silence of the majority of the international community in the face of this exercise in state terrorism demonstrates the extent to which the idea that terrorism is fought with more and better terrorism is once again in fashion among foreign ministries and governments convinced that their right to act in the name of democracy gives them the right to kill. It also tells us how much we are prepared to give up our rights and freedoms in exchange for the lie of a supposed security that only ensures us more fear.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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