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“It is serious that the PP wants to withdraw 12,000M for the LACC”

The Minister of Digital Transformation and Civil Service, Oscar Lopezstressed the PP in relation to the deficit trajectory voted this week and the next General State Budgets (PGE) for 2025 that the Government will try to approve. “It seems serious to me that the PP wants to overthrow 12 billion for the autonomous communities and municipalities,” said the new minister.

The government faces a key week with a vote in Congress this Thursday on the deficit trajectory – or spending cap – a step forward necessary for the subsequent approval of the Budget 2025The government of Pedro Sánchez is pessimistic about the direction of the vote of the seven Junts deputies this week in Parliament and, unless Carles Puigdemont’s position changes, everything points to an extension of the 2023 accounts.

With relations between the Executive and the Junta at their lowest, the government is now shifting the blame to the PP, which would have the approval of budgets in its hands. “The PP is against the government in everything and nothing more, like a headless chicken,” he said. Oscar Lopez this monday at The hour of 1 regret that the popular Don’t consider voting for it.

“Our obligation is to work to get the budgets out, we have to try to get them out. And I stress again, things have consequences. Losing 12 billion “For the autonomous communities and municipalities, this has consequences. It would be good to be able to reach more agreements… This government has already agreed with 12 parties,” explained the minister.

Lopez indicated that the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alphonse Ruedaof the PP, said Friday, after his meeting with Sánchez, that “it is better” that Congress approves the budgets. “So go ahead and support!”he said.

However, he reiterated that “the PP is doing what it always does, a destructive opposition”, thus anticipating a “no” from those in the party. Alberto Nuñez Feijoo for the deficit trajectory voted on this week.

Regarding the possible extension of the 2023 budgets, López said that “it would be better to have new ones, but if that is not possible, it is obvious that there are already some in progress.”

The Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Oscar Bridgehe said in an interview with The country that “it would not be a drama” to have to extend the 2023 budgets, even if the government will try to approve them.




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