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HomeLatest NewsValladolid Treasury official on trial for submitting tax return to former girlfriend...

Valladolid Treasury official on trial for submitting tax return to former girlfriend so she would pay 4,000 euros

The Valladolid Court is holding a trial this Monday against an interim official of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Regia who allegedly took advantage of his position as head of the tax control section to prepare and submit the 2021 tax return of a woman who had had bad relations with her partner, claiming that he had had to pay more than 4,000 euros to the Treasury, when in reality the Treasury had to return more than 400 euros.

The bench will be occupied by David RA, who risks a sentence of four and a half years in prison and an absolute ban of seven years, according to the provisional qualification document of the prosecutor in the case, collected by Europa Press, as the author of an offense under article 198 of the Penal Code – offense against privacy, the right to image and the inviolability of the home – in medial competition with another offense of falsification of an official document.

The accused held, since taking office on March 15, 2021, the position of head of the Tax Control Section in the Territorial Service of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Administration in Palencia and participated in the Income campaign that was developed in said administration.

The official had been on friendly terms with a woman who had previously come to him to help him prepare his personal income tax return, for which she provided the tax data for each year.

However, this relationship changed in 2021 due to the complete breakdown of the friendship motivated by the disagreements that arose, at the workplace, between the said woman and the partner of the accused, who, supposedly in a desire for revenge, prepared a statement of extension corresponding to the year 2020, without the knowledge of the injured party, during which the data was modified to indicate that the amount of 4,062 euros was to be paid.

To do this, according to the prosecutor’s thesis, the official used the computer at his workplace that allowed him to access the Tax Administration website. Thus, on June 10, 2021, he would have connected for five minutes, between 8:40 and 8:45, with the identity of the victim – since he had a copy of the identity document and other personal data – and would have sent the Agency The prepared declaration is taxable.

The party concerned had already filed its declaration online on 25 May 2021 corresponding to the 2020 financial year, which resulted in a refund of 43.52 euros, even though it was aware of the accused’s manoeuvre when debiting its account, on June 30, the amount of 4,494.50 euros corresponding to the sum of the alleged tax debt and the refund requested by it which, with the new data, was inappropriate.

Finally, the tax administration, after filing the claim, proceeded to reimburse the two amounts to the victim.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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