Home Entertainment News A young person and a minor seriously injured after their car overturned...

A young person and a minor seriously injured after their car overturned in Baztan, on the N-121-A, a dangerous road in Navarra

A young person and a minor seriously injured after their car overturned in Baztan, on the N-121-A, a dangerous road in Navarra

A young 21 years and one minor out of 17 were successful seriously injured after overturning his car on the road N-121at the height of kilometer point 38.3 in the municipality of Baztan (Navarra), on a section of road particularly dangerous.

He accident arrived at 3:32 p.m. when the vehicle left the road and capsized, remaining in the median of the road.

The two occupants of the car were treated by emergency services. EMERGENCIES mobilized immediately, in particular The Oronoz firefightersA medical equipmentseveral ambulances, advanced respiratory assistance and of basic life support.

THE Provincial Police also visited the site and coordinated a alternative step for vehicles while rescue operations were carried out.

He 21 year old young man suffered a head trauma of character reserve and was transferred to a advanced life support ambulance. He minor, 17 years old, presented a trauma to the facealso of character reserveand was transferred to basic survival ambulance. Both were evacuated with emergency to hospital centers.

Despite the seriousness of the incident, the N-121 highway was open to traffic has 5:15 p.m.after the work of the rescue teams and the Forale Police. THE cause of the accident is under investigation.


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