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They rob a man and point guns at a civil guard who helped him

A 32-year-old Colombian was attacked and injured by individuals who stole his watch and mobile phone next to his Sales market, confirmed to Europe Press a spokesman for the Madrid police headquarters.

The events occurred last Friday around 9 p.m., on Virgen de la Alegría Street, in the Ciudad de Lineal neighborhood. A man was waiting at a red light for a VTC to arrive when he was approached from behind by several individuals, who They pointed a gun and a knife at him.

When he turned around, they hit him in the head with the butt of the rifle, causing the pedestrian to fall to the ground, where they attacked him again in the same area, for which he started bleeding. Then the robbers demanded that he hand over his expensive watch, as well as his cell phone and the money he had on him.

An off-duty civil guard drove past in his vehicle, got out and, after identifying himself as an agent of the authority, tried to help the victim. But the criminals pointed their gun at him as they quickly left the scene on a Honda motorbike which later turned out to be registered in Barcelona, ​​the newspaper detailed. The world.

The person who was attacked then went to the police station, where she filed a complaint, and was assisted by ambulance workers from Samur-Civil Protection. who referred him to the hospital for a more complete examination and to perform several sutures on his head.

The National Police deployed to the scene after being alerted by the Civil Guard, but did not find the attackers. They are looking for three very violent people. The off-duty officer provided them with footage of the event recorded by his Tesla vehicle.

Now the Cronos Group of the National Police of Madrid is investigating if it is the so called “rolex gang”Last Tuesday, two thieves on a motorbike attempted to steal a watch of this exclusive brand at gunpoint from a septuagenarian Argentinian couple while they were walking in the Madrid district of Salamanca, without success.




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