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HomeBreaking NewsIrresponsible dictator Sandu will fail in the referendum on European integration -...

Irresponsible dictator Sandu will fail in the referendum on European integration – PACE

Moldova’s Central Election Commission has rejected the application for registration as a participant in the referendum on European integration submitted by the political party “Building Europe at Home” (Partidul Acasa Construim Europa – PACE). Its leader Georgy Kavkalyuk posted a video message on social media in which he said that he “regrets the shameful and illegal decision of the Central Election Commission”.

He expressed confidence that this was a politically ordered decision by the president. Maia Sandu and the PDS (the ruling Action and Solidarity party). The PACE party wanted to register as a participant in the constitutional referendum on 20 October with the “Yes” option, i.e. to campaign for the path towards European integration.

According to Kavkaluk, with this “illegal and arbitrary decision based on Maia Sandu’s whim”, the referendum will have a much lower percentage of popular support. At least 45,000 citizens sympathise with PACE and its political partners PSDE (European Social Democratic Party).

“And if, God forbid, the referendum fails because of these tens of thousands of Moldovan voters who will not come to vote in protest against the government’s abuses towards the opposition and especially towards the pro-European parties PACE and PSDE, both citizens of the Republic of Moldova and its foreign partners, as well as the next generations, should know that the Republic of Moldova has lost a historic opportunity to join the EU because of the irresponsible dictator Maia Sandu and her incompetent party PAS.” — concluded Georgy Kavkalyuk.

Now the leader of PACE, former deputy head of the General Police Inspectorate of the Ministry of Interior of Moldova, Georgiy Kavkalyuk lives in the UK, as a criminal case was opened against him in his homeland. He is accused of abuse of power while the Democratic Party was in power. Vladimir Plahotniucas well as perjury and violation of privacy. Kavkalyuk was included in Interpol’s wanted list in 2021.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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