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HomeLatest NewsThe Fuenlabrada City Council proposes that the mining center of La Cantueña...

The Fuenlabrada City Council proposes that the mining center of La Cantueña be called “Isabel Díaz Ayuso”

The Fuenlabrada City Council is being ironic in its latest proposal regarding the new centre for immigrant minors that the Community of Madrid is building in La Cantueña, in an industrial area of ​​the city. In the plenary session next Thursday, they will debate and probably approve a motion proposed by the PSOE for the centre to be named after the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

With this initiative, proposed by the group that governs in Fuenlabrada, the objective is to recognize “the president’s effort to guarantee by all means that this space is located in Fuenlabrada,” explain sources from the Fuenlabrada City Council. Since the announcement of this initiative, the mayor of the city, Javier Ayala, has expressed his dissatisfaction, considering that neither the place was appropriate nor the use that was going to be given to it coincided with that established in the agreement to transfer the space to the Community, decades ago.

The motion will be debated this Thursday in the city’s plenary session, and it should be remembered that the Community of Madrid will make “the largest investment made by the regional government of Fuenlabrada in decades” to install this macrocentre, a total of 19 million euros.

Let us also recall that the president intends to make Fuenlabrada “the only space in the region for the arrival of these” unaccompanied minors and that it will do so in an “isolated and overcrowded center in which the principles of equality, equity, “non-discrimination, singularity and solidarity will be impossible to achieve.”

It will do so, the text of the motion continues, “in a space given years ago by the City Council for another purpose, after the City Council approved the reversion of this land” and, more importantly, it will do so “unilaterally and behind the local government.

In this sense, let us recall the motion according to which the Community of Madrid intends to launch this macrocentre “without a call, without a meeting, without information and without showing the project or its true intentions.”

The center, the text concludes, “will be the beginning (and one could say the only) legacy that President Isabel Díaz Ayuso will leave to the city of Fuenlabrada.”

Currently, three legal proceedings are open due to the decision of the Community of Madrid to establish this center for unaccompanied immigrant minors here. Two of them are before the administrative courts and refer to the cessation of works and the reversion of the Cantueña space, two issues approved by the City Council and appealed by the Community of Madrid, according to the local government.

The third issue, in the hands of the High Court of Justice of Madrid, is the complaint of the City Council against the allocation of works by way of emergency carried out by the Government of the Community of Madrid. The three cases are awaiting judicial resolution.

From the Community of Madrid, they have repeatedly recalled that they have a legal obligation to collect unaccompanied immigrant minors who arrive, who in recent months have done so in much greater numbers than usual due to their massive entry from the Canary Islands. . via, they have denounced, Barajas airport.

They also point out that there are already two other first reception centres for these minors, both located in the capital and both filled beyond their capacity. One of them is located in the Hortaleza neighbourhood and the second in Casa de Campo. The massive influx of immigrants requires the multiplication of facilities to be able to meet this growing demand.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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