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PP and Vox take the first step to repeal the law of historical memory of Cantabria

PP and Vox celebrated their perfect marriage this Monday in the Parliament of Cantabria when carrying out the first procedure to overturn the Law of Historical and Democratic Memory of Cantabria. On a “sad” day for the region, as the PRC and PSOE – promoters of the law in the last legislature – deplored, the PP and Vox joined forces in the Autonomous Chamber to urgently repeal the law, as they had already announced.

Regionalists and socialists voted against the bill that was adopted and accused the right wing of the PP and the extreme right wing of Vox of “historical revisionism”, of “equating victims with repressors” and of “whitewashing the dictatorship”, all in the same spirit. The presence of members of the Memory and Democracy Platform of Cantabria, created after the announcement a year ago of the repeal of the norm.

During the parliamentary debate, the positions were clearly defined and there were no surprises: PP and Vox justified, as they have done on several occasions, the repeal of the law in which the text “establishes first-class victims and second-class victims”, ignoring that the victims of the so-called national side obtained compensation during the 40 years of the Franco dictatorship that followed.

And the historical revisionism in the political interventions of the PP and Vox has been such that the spokesperson of the far-right formation, Leticia Díaz, has even gone so far as to point out that the military uprising that gave rise to the civil war occurred because “The period of the Second Republic was not an ocean of coexistence”, a statement that has provoked the anger of the socialist benches, whose deputies have criticized her for having justified the coup d’état of 1936.

In addition, PP and Vox have criticized the PRC and PSOE for having imposed the law without consensus in the last legislature, to which the bipartisan party responded that it had obtained 20 votes in favor of the 35 in the Chamber, against 19. sum of those of PP and Vox – with whom it will now go to bed. In this sense, regionalists and socialists have committed to reapproving it when they obtain a parliamentary majority that would make it possible: “It represents historical justice.”

(There will be an extension)


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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