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“Moncloa is a Madrid delegation of secessionism”

Former CEO and President of the FAES Foundation, Jose Maria Aznaraccused the Socialist Party government on Monday Pedro Sanchez to be a Madrid delegation of Catalan secessionism. The former leader of the PP spoke at the inauguration of the FAES 2024 Campus.

Aznar stressed that the secessionist formations keep the government “alive.” He believes that they do so with the sole objective of “finishing the job” started with the Amnesty LawThe former government leader assured that the current Executive seeks to stay in power “to accomplish a devastating task: to repeal the law by perverting legality.” And he assured that they are united by “the fast-acting glue” which is, in Aznar’s eyes, “the objective of preventing any possibility of alternation.”

The FAES president also recalled the words of Sánchez, who said he was willing to govern “without the help of the legislative branch.” Regarding this statement, the former popular leader recalled that it would imply “governing outside the institution that invested him and to which the task of controlling him is constitutionally entrusted.”

“In Spain, the government has had its back to Parliament for more than 6 years,” he stressed. For this reason, he reflected that the words of the PSOE leader are not “a declaration of intentions” but “a activity memory” of the socialist government.

“For years we have been witnessing arbitrary decisions that have become commonplace and the progressive but inexorable dismantling of institutional counterweights,” denounced the former head of government between 1996 and 2004. And he called it a “weak executive” and criticized that it “violates the right to bonuses that come with being a government.”

“Serious threat to the constitutional pact”

On the other hand, Aznar also spoke about Sánchez’s tax gift to the ERC. Which, according to him, represents a “serious threat to the constitutional pact and the autonomous state model.” The former PP leader insisted that the Catalan quota would imply “a mutation of the autonomous regime and the balances of financial solidarity that they materialize today.”

In the eyes of the now president of the FAES, the pact signed between the PSOE and the ERC to invest the socialist Salvador Illa For the leader of the Generalitat, “the equality of Spaniards before the law and the economic, political and social cohesion of the nation” are at stake. “Here we are touching on the constitutional bone,” Aznar analyzed.

He also criticized the fact that these agreements were reached “in a dark room.” And he criticized the fact that these issues are “impossible to negotiate bilaterally.” A situation that he denounced as both “an institutional colonization and a partisan occupation of organizations that should be independent.” All these circumstances “give rise to daily embarrassment,” believes the former Spanish president.

Julio Camba “I could write once again that socialist nepotism, abusing the catches, once again compares the State to a hydroelectric power station,” reflected the former president of the PP.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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