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“Between the citizens of the Balearic Islands and Sánchez, Armengol always chooses Sánchez”

The spokesperson of the PP Balears in Parliament, Sebastià Sagreras, He regretted that last weekend “we saw once again how the PSOE of Armengol and Negueruela between Sánchez and the citizens of the Balearic Islands always choose Sánchez» after the celebration of the Socialist Political Council in which “Armengol said that we cannot ask for an improvement in regional financing while reducing taxes for citizens of the Balearic Islands.”

Thus, Sagreras explained that in the PP Baleares “we are completely surprised” by Armengol’s statements given that “He even dared to threaten the Balearic Islands and the rest of the autonomous communities of Spain with having fewer resources if the general budgets for 2025 are not approved.”

Faced with such statements, Sagreras wondered “where were Armengol and his PSOE when Sánchez decided to extend the budgets for 2024?” and added that “at that time, obviously, he was not at all worried about the citizens of the islands.”

“Behind these threats is clearly the impossibility for the PSOE to approve the general budgets again,” explained Sagreras, recalling that “a little over a year ago, Negueruela asked for the resignation of the economic vice-president, Toni Costa, when we did not get him to approve the spending ceiling at first.

“The PSOE’s modus operandi is to always demand political responsibilities from others: in opposition, they demand responsibilities from the government, but when they govern, they demand them from the opposition. Always the same,” added Sagreras.

Finally, the PP spokesman mentioned that the government of Marga Prohens scheduled the general policy debate for 1 and 2 October and took the opportunity to “ask all parliamentary groups to live up to the challenge, to maintain a constructive tone and to leave the mud behind them”. “The citizens of the Balearic Islands deserve politicians who look out for the good of society and do not seek confrontation and social tensions”, concluded Sagreras.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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