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The lawyer who seeks glory at the expense of the Pelicot affair

The lawyer of one of the the accused violate Gisele PelicotThe woman whose husband drugged her for years so that dozens of men could rape her has sparked controversy in question the victim’s version and even do social media jokes on a case that outraged France and became a symbol of the feminist struggle in the country.

The lawyer, Nadia El Bouroumihas been at the center of a controversy since last Wednesday when she sharply criticized Gisèle Pelicot in court, trying to sow doubt about her sexual behavior. Added to this are their videos on instagrammake jokes with the name Pelicot, shouting and talking on his cell phone while driving and taking his hands off the steering wheel.

Her response to the criticism, however, was to warn last Friday that no one would silence her, in statements to French channel ‘BFMTV’. In addition, she continued to fuel the controversy with another video in which she is seen dancing inside her high-end car while listening to the song. ‘Wake me up before you leave’ (Wake me up before you go) by the band Wham!, a choice that most users interpreted as a mockery of a victim of chemical submission.

However, in the publication that accompanies the video, whose text appears edited, he assures that the song is intended for “all those who have to get up early before they can be silent”. “To all the extremists of thought who try to silence me, for you!” El Bouroumi says in the video, in a provocative tone. Later, in a new publication, he affirmed that the video had been misinterpreted and that at no time had he tried to mock the victim, in addition to denouncing threats and a media trial.

Regarding the high tone he used during Wednesday’s hearing when he questioned Gisèle Pelicot’s victim image, he also justified himself on Instagram: “I told him that he had to understand that we are defense lawyers, that we have nothing against herThat day, 27 sexual photographs of the victim were shown, selected by the defense to try to show that the defendants might have thought there was some form of consent on their part.

She says she doesn’t remember.“, but those who received photos of her can see that she is present, that she moves, that she speaks,” stressed the lawyer, who requested absolution for his client. Which the victim categorically refuted, explaining that These were stolen photos that her husband had taken of her.Dominique, without his consent, which he himself confirmed.

El Bouroumi defends one of the 49 men sitting on the bench since the second day for raping her under the influence of anxiolytics that her husband gave her for almost 10 years to sexually abuse her in an unconscious state with dozens of individuals he invited to his home. All, like Dominique Pelicot And another accused who reproduced his same methods but with his own wife, Jean-Pierre Maréchalface sentences of up to 20 years in prison if the court finds them guilty of the crime of aggravated rape.

Gisèle Pelicot, her daughter Caroline Darian and their lawyers, Stéphane Babonneau and Antoine Camus, hope that this macro-trial on chemical submission will serve “Let shame change sides” and never again question a victim under the influence of drugs.

Meanwhile, a good part of the accused They formed a friendly relationship during the process and it is common to see them meet, laughing among themselvesin the moments before the start of the hearings, as observed by the Efe agency. Some have Journalists beaten and insulted which cover the process, so far without consequences.

Demonstrations in several cities in France this month brought together some 10,000 people in solidarity with the victim of the Avignon trial. “I was deeply moved by this avalanche of support, which gives me a sense of responsibility. Thanks to everyone, I have the strength to fight this battle to the end,” said Gisèle Pelicot. “I dedicate this fight – he added – to all the women and men in the world who are victims of sexual violence. To all these victims, I want to say: look around you, you are not alone“.




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