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The complete list of the 10 safest countries in the world and the position occupied by Spain

This complete list of the 10 safest countries of the world will surprise you, Spain is not on it. Our country has changed a lot in recent years, any law enforcement officer on duty can confirm that the crime levels of this 21st century are nothing like those of previous years. Especially in some areas of the country where security sometimes seems to have disappeared. Going out is not the same in some areas of the country.

Leaving Spain to safer areas is something we can do since our country is not among the first in terms of security, although it has improved a lot in recent years, it is not up to par with other regions of Europe. The reality is that we do not appear in these first positions for a compelling reason. We have lost positions and perhaps until now we would never have imagined what would end up happening in these years that we have lived. Spain is lagging behind in terms of security, but other countries occupy the first places for compelling reasons that we must begin to know.

Spain occupies this position on the list

According to the latest report from the Ministry of the Interior, the crime rate in Spain has increased by 7% in recent months. The criminal report tells us in detail about the crimes that have affected the Spanish. Following this report: “the total number of criminal offences registered in the period from January to December 2023 amounts to a total of 2,459,659 facts, of which 1,989,271 (80.9% of the total) correspond to the category of conventional delinquency (considered here as all the facts). forms of crime not committed in cyberspace and which presents a variation of 2.1% compared to 2022), while cybercrime (470,388 criminal offences, 19.1% of the total), presents an increase of 25.5% compared to 2022. This block II of cybercrime includes data from all the forces and security agencies that send data to the crime statistics system of the Ministry of the Interior.

Therefore, despite the efforts of the police, there are still crimes that are impossible to prevent. Cybercrime is gaining ground, but the insecurity that places us in 23rd place in the total ranking and 15th place in European countries, is also perceived at street level.

Here is the list of the safest countries in the world

The Global Peace Index is the one dedicated to providing this famous list of the safest countries in the world, based on indicators that we must take into account and that we may never have imagined until now. The level of security of a country is measured according to three main variables:

  • The level of security and protection of the company.
  • The scale of ongoing national and international conflicts.
  • Level of militarization of each country.

Once we get these variables right, the change we wanted to be decisive and that we perhaps never imagined until now would come. These are times of change that we must begin to prepare for, especially if we take into account a list of which we are not part.

In this case, we have before us some details that we may not have taken into account until now. Spain stands out from Portugal, which is indeed in the top positions of this ranking, and this in such a way that it distances itself from what a situation like the one we are experiencing would be.

According to the experts who conducted the study, there is a worrying factor: “Overall, the level of global peacefulness has decreased this year by 0.56% according to IEP researchers. This may not seem like much, but it is worth noting that this is the 12th time that the average has fallen, for an overall decline of 4.5% since the launch of the index. Meanwhile, the number of refugees and internally displaced people has climbed to 95 million, with 16 countries having at least 5% of the population as refugees or internally displaced people.

Beyond what is happening in the world, we must take into account the particular case of each country. For example, the United States also occupies a position outside the first, being one of the first countries in the world. This ranking presents the safest countries in the world for a series of reasons that we must take into account.

  1. Iceland
  2. Ireland
  3. Austria
  4. New Zealand
  5. Singapore
  6. Swiss
  7. Portugal
  8. Denmark
  9. Slovenia
  10. Malaysia

On the contrary, we must also take into account the least safe ones in case we travel outside the country these days. It is not recommended to visit the last positions of this ranking:

Position 154. Mali

Rank 155. Israel

Post 156. Syria

Rank 157. Israel

Rank 158. Democratic Republic of Congo

Rank 159. Ukraine

Post 160. Afghanistan

Post 161. South Sudan

Post 162. Sudan

Rank 163. Yemen


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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