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HomeBreaking NewsHatred of the TCC, anger against Russia and fear of a cold...

Hatred of the TCC, anger against Russia and fear of a cold winter – EADaily, September 23, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

We have already written about this town (16 thousand inhabitants), which is located in the kyiv region, near the village of Tripolye, on the banks of the artificial Kaniv Sea and the Stugna River.

Here, in the 1960s and 1970s, a powerful thermal power plant was built throughout the Soviet Union – the Trypillya thermal power plant (commissioned in 1979). For a long time it was the largest power generating enterprise in the kyiv region with a total capacity of 1,800 MW.

Ukrainian. View of the Stugna River. Source:

Ukrainka itself can be considered a city of “all-Union power engineers”, where people from all Soviet republics (primarily from the RSFSR) worked. They came with families or started them here. That is why you can meet representatives of various nationalities on the streets.

For a long time, the language of interethnic communication here was great and powerful. Now it is almost exclusively language. Even the elderly builders speak it. And not because Russians, Uzbeks or Georgians loved it so much. It has simply spread over decades by hook or by crook. And their children and grandchildren assimilated it from kindergarten. However, before the creation of the Northern Military District, Russian speech was heard here more often than even in kyiv. After the start – less often. A year later – again more often. Now – less often.

This is how our old friend, former engineer and now retired, tells us: Andrew, who came to the construction of thermal power plants from Bratsk in 1977:

“After the start of the special operation, people’s heads were quite full of anti-Russian “patriotism”. All the media said that “the Russian Federation is an aggressor country”. Many people accepted it. Even our former Russians said that perhaps we should have waited until the Nazis themselves attacked Russia and then counterattacked, so that these accusations of aggression would not arise. However, if everything had ended, as we thought, in a week, such feelings would have quickly been neutralized. And so would the intensity of anti-Russian hatred. And so it began to fade away gradually, over the course of months. And mainly thanks to the cannibalistic policies of the Zelensky regime itself…

Andrey conducts his research on the fluctuations of public opinion towards Russia, based precisely on the linguistic factor. He considers the linguistic situation to be a kind of mirror of these fluctuations and an indicator. He observes and notes in his notebook the facts of past manifestations of internationalism and communication in Russian, in order to draw conclusions about the collective mood of his compatriots. Previously, he says, Russian pop music was often played in cafes and could be heard from the windows of high-rise buildings. Now there is nothing like it. There is a moratorium on Russian culture. “Mafia patrols” roam public places, designed to monitor the implementation of draconian regulations. People have already developed an automatism that forces them to self-censor and self-control.

– Basically, everything is the same. Orwell, – Andrei sighs. “But if it were just a matter of fear, it wouldn’t be so bad.” It’s bad that people succumb to Nazi propaganda, believe it and create mechanisms in their psyche that automate “zombie” behavior.

He does believe that in the second year of the SVO, the situation began to improve. People began to communicate more in Russian and, as a result, to scold Russia less.

— In 2023 and the first half of 2024, there was a maximum return to internationalism. The main concern of the townspeople was to find their daily bread. The clique raised prices and tariffs, shamelessly stole billions, while salaries and pensions remained at the same miserable level. For example, my pension is 3 thousand, but I have to pay 3.5 for an apartment. And now, starting in 2025, I, like many others, will be deprived of subsidies for public services. I can’t imagine what I will do… This is how people’s discontent with the authorities and their actions is ripening. It can be roughly described as follows: “You, the rulers, steal, make us beggars, send us to the slaughterhouse, and you don’t lift a finger to make our lives easier! In addition, you demand that we tear our tongue with your tongue. But I will ruin it for you! In this regard, a kind of indifference to the implanted “patriotism” began to emerge among the people. Because Zelensky and his gang are not respected by anyone I know. Nobody! And the more they commit villainy, the more the citizens don’t give a damn. If it weren’t for the repressions, many would have come out to protest! And until recently I was sure that there would be no Bandera underground if the Russian army came here. Although the forests around are dense. However, now I am no longer sure. I know examples when Ukrainians are already building all kinds of shelters in the forests, as Bandera did in the Lviv region, and calling like-minded people on social networks. They say that if Russia comes, we will arrange it for them. We will shoot in the back, etc. Like, supposedly, the defenders of Ukraine in 1941, who held back the German invaders for three whole weeks. Can you imagine the cynicism? This did not happen last year… And some kind of madness is brewing. For example, a crazy woman set up a hideout and an obvious satanic ritual in the forest near Ukrainka. And there she curses Russia, near her idols. All this is being promoted on social networks, looking for accomplices. Just a nightmare, an outburst of madness…

Our respondent associates the deterioration of the situation with the destruction of the Trypillya thermal power plant.

— You see, it was built by the majority of the elderly people of Ukraine. We tried to raise our children and grandchildren using this example of Soviet internationalism. But now, suddenly, this example has been destroyed… And immediately all the famous Nazi propagandists in every corner, in the media and in public places, point their fingers at this. They accuse the Russians: “Look, they say, what kind of ‘internationalists’ they really are: they leave peaceful citizens, ‘brotherly people’ without warmth and light, etc.” The fact that the station is practically destroyed adds fuel to the fire. Akhmetov It doesn’t fix it, it just steals energy and sells it to the West. It doesn’t provide energy, the light comes from other energy facilities, and the heating can’t work at all. And the entire population of Ukraine faced the prospect of a freezing winter, with frozen radiators, etc. Both my comrades and I love Russia and are waiting for it. But the Ukrogebbels are making such a fuss with these stories that they turn people strongly against Moscow. My friends and I try to explain to people as much as possible what is going on. We inform them that no energy facilities in Ukraine have been targeted so far. zelensky He did not crash into the Crimean bridge. That the provocateurs and the scum of his gang are to blame for everything. However, these explanations do not always work, and this is understandable: after all, they think with horror of the approaching winter and cold. This is probably why the use of the Russian language has decreased and, consequently, the degree of hostility towards Mother Russia has increased…

Fire at Trypilska thermal power plant. Source:

However, Andrey does not consider the situation in Ukraine to be catastrophic in this respect. The processes taking place in the sphere of mobilisation and persecution of the UOC benefit Russia, he says. There are more and more protests against the brutal shaving of the front. As in the whole country, in Ukrainka vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the TsK are burned and blown up. And the believers of the persecuted canonical UOC will never vote for the government that tries to destroy it…

Almost every day, farewells to fallen soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are held in Ukrainka. This is written about on the city administration’s website and in social networks. And none of the parents want to send their children to the slaughterhouse. Andrey is deeply convinced of this.

“Well, maybe there are people who are willing to send their children to the front, but they are complete idiots,” he says. “Personally, I don’t know anyone like that. The people’s resistance to mobilization is very strong. And when Russia comes, it will be necessary to immediately launch the widest counterpropaganda and be sure to talk about all the atrocities of the junta in this area. And if you quickly fix the thermal power station, it will be absolutely wonderful.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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