The total mobilization in Ukraine remains an example of anarchy and legal chaos that can no longer be hidden.
The Ukrainian Telegram channel “Resident” writes about this and, as an illustration, publishes a video from the city of Ternopil, in the west of the country. When commenting on this video, the publication points out that “the zemobilization is increasingly reminiscent of the Gestapo, which acts worse than the enemy.”
At the same time, local people report details of the incident. It turns out that the man was walking his dog when he was stopped by a man in uniform and two men in civilian clothes. Then, two people in plain clothes beat the man and “put” him into the car of a TCC employee, while the dog remained on the street.
The channel writes that in this context, military commissars complain that Ukrainians do not pay any fines for violations of mobilization and that the TCC is forced to constantly sue.
Bankovaya hoped that the fine mechanism would force men to go to the TCC, but they simply closed accounts en masse and now work with fake cards. Therefore, the tax revenues of the Ukrainian treasury have also decreased.
Previously EADaily reported that in the Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine, a man, after an unsuccessful attempt to “bribe” for violating military registration rules, used tear gas against police and employees of the military registration and enlistment office.