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HomeLatest NewsPP demands resignation of Fuenlabrada mayor for trivializing name of MENA center

PP demands resignation of Fuenlabrada mayor for trivializing name of MENA center

The Popular Party of Fuenlabrada demanded that its mayor, the socialist Javier Ayalato present your resignation with urgency in the face of the “frivolousness shown towards minors in vulnerable situations following the motion presented by the socialist group in the Fuenlabrada City Council”. In the proposal, “the socialists are ironic about the problem of the migration crisis that Spain is going through and the situation of the unaccompanied minors and ridicule the saturation of all the regional migrant reception services”, as the popular.

In the plenary session next Thursday, they will debate and probably approve a motion proposed by the PSOE so that the menas center of La Cantueña bears the name of the regional president, Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

With this initiative, ironically proposed by the group that governs Fuenlabrada, the objective is to recognize “the president’s effort to guarantee by all means that this space is located in Fuenlabrada”, as explained by sources from the Fuenlabrada City Council.

“Javier Ayala has shown that his humanity is at the level of his leadership. It is intolerable that a mayor makes this type of proposal without jokes in really bad taste, especially with what the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla are suffering. “He cannot continue to associate himself with our city for another minute,” said the PP spokesman in Fuenlabrada. Noélia Nunez.

Since the announcement of this initiative, Mayor Javier Ayala has expressed his dissatisfaction, considering that neither the location was appropriate nor the use that was going to be made of it coincided with that established in the agreement to transfer the space to the Community, decades ago.

For the Populares, this proposal is only due to the “nerves that Javier Ayala seems to suffer at seeing that he will not be the one designated by Ferraz to replace him Juan Lobato as general secretary of the Madrid socialists.

“Javier Ayala is desperate to make his case so that Ferraz will notice him and not the government delegate to succeed Juan Lobato. The problem is that it went too far and he dragged the name of Fuenlabrada with him by presenting this unworthy and immoral proposal,” they say from the PP.

For the spokesperson, Noelia Núñez, this proposal will not promote her within the PSOE and should keep her out of politics: “If Javier Ayala’s PSOE wants the name of a politician for the Centre, it should use that of Pedro Sanchez“The one who decided to place these minors in Fuenlabrada and who has powers over immigration, is not lifting a finger to protect the borders and prevent lives from being lost. We are living the worst migratory emergency and the Autonomous Communities can’t take it anymore,” concludes Núñez.

Even Juan Lobato, current general secretary of the Socialists of Madrid, has joined in this “unfortunate” irony of the Socialists of Fuenlabrada by proposing that the Menas center be named after the president of the Community of Madrid. According to Lobato, everything should be called “Isabel”, like the Canal de Isabel II, the Isabel Zendal Hospital or the Isabel la Católica School.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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