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HomeLatest NewsRueda questions the "stability" of the State's pacts with the BNG

Rueda questions the “stability” of the State’s pacts with the BNG

At the meeting, he reminded Sánchez of some points of the investiture agreement, but “nothing”: “I asked him what his party was going to do when the AP-9 transfer was voted on in Congress and he didn’t answer. me, which is disturbing”

Alfonso Rueda and Miguel Corgos after the Council meeting AFFECTED

The head of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, said that he does not place much “hope” in the results of the meeting with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, last Friday. “I did not have a single specificity, the president listened, in some cases he gave his opinion in others or even that”, he said, adding that, in any case, the responsibility of Galicia is to continue to persevere and understand whether the demands of the Community Government They are attended or not. A meeting that the opposition parties harshly criticized, calling it a “lost opportunity”, subject to the interests of Genoa as they have done so far, and from which a fracture between nationalists and socialists has emerged. The reason was none other than the textile fiber factory based on cellulose pulp that Altri plans to install in Palas de Rei, and the government’s position on European funding, which defends the proposal of the Regional Executive. News that has not been well received by the BNG, which announced these days that Sánchez was donating public money to the project, it would be “very difficult” to continue counting on his support. One more example, in the words of the Galician president, of the rigor of the party, whose weight in national politics he has harshly questioned, with an investiture pact from which Galicia has not yet benefited.

“If in this specific case the government does not do what the BNG wants, all the agreements it has reached no longer exist, it withdraws its support,” Rueda said in response to questions from the media at the press conference after the Council. A sample of the “rigor” of the party that, he recalled, before the regional elections, was in favor of the plant’s location. But for the president of the Xunta, this response from the nationalists is also an example of “the stability of the state pacts that the BNG has.” Someone, he explained, reminded Pedro Sánchez of this at Friday’s meeting, such as the transfer of the AP-9, but “nothing.”

“I asked him what the Socialist Party would do when the AP-9 transfer was voted on in Congress and he didn’t answer me, which is quite worrying. I also talked about the campaign commitment of his spokesman – the secretary general of the PSdeG, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro -. He didn’t say a single word. I also talked about the toll reductions, which are already present in the inauguration ceremony and which have not been effective, quite the opposite. Óscar Puente said there was no money to do it. He didn’t respond either,” he explained. Signs, according to him, that the agreements reached with the BNG, and even their weight in the governance of Spain, “are as important as they are.” “But, in case there were any, the BNG spokesman is in charge of erasing everything by making these threats for specific problems,” demonstrating, once again, “an absolute lack of respect for the work that the technicians of the Xunta that we do.” in dealing with this file.

She also appreciated the statements of the party’s spokesperson, Ana Pontón, on the commission of inquiry automatically created by her party in Parliament, in which, according to her, 15 years of PP shenanigans should be clarified. Almost ironically, the Galician president expressed his “doubts” about the reason for creating this commission of inquiry. “It is not clear who they are attacking and they do not know what this commission is about, and now they find themselves with these problems” and they say that it will be for “everything”. There was talk of the overcost of the Álvaro Cunqueiro hospital in Vigo and of the contracts during the pandemic, he recalled, and now “it turns out that it is about talking about everything”. Statements that are made, he indicated, “when things are not clear”. “Now we do not know very well [para qué es]We know that it is about opposing the Feijóo of 2009 or 2012, but we are already in 2024, there have already been elections and if they want to make a commission on something specific, they are within their rights. […] Now the work plan will be opened and I hope that in the end it will be a useful commission,” he said.



Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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