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León’s PP commits to the new Faculty of Medicine: “It is an old demand”

The president of the Popular Party of León and deputy national secretary of Health and Education, Esther Muñozconsidered it “very positive” that León has a Faculty of Medicine. And the province has been fighting for this new degree for almost three decades, longer than any other city in Castile and León. This demand comes from far away, so much so that not even José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, which was insisted upon during his term as President of the Government, has managed to complete, taking into account his scope of action of great political power. Moreover, it was one of the socialist’s greatest failures in a city where he was provincial secretary.

On the other hand, Ester Muñoz believes that this old “claim” will attract “many students” and will allow “industrial and commercial synergies” to be achieved.

The recent decision of the president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernandez Manuecoto take the initiative to make the Faculty of Medicine of León a reality and for the Council of Rectors to consider it possible, was considered a great success by the different social, educational and political sectors of León.

The creation of a Faculty of Medicine of León This would not only benefit students in the region, but could also attract researchers and professionals from the sector. This could contribute to the economic and social development of the province, as well as improve local health care. Muñoz stressed that “Investing in education is investing in the future“.

Teaching staff and “building” available in 2025

The new Faculty of Medicine of León would be ready to begin operations in the academic year 2025/2026, recalled the previous rector, Juan Francisco Garcia Marinhaving – according to the aforementioned rector – the possibility of having a building in which to begin teaching the first two years of the Degree. On the other hand, the University of León contacted doctors from León and heads of departments of the University Hospital (CAULE) to find out their interest in teaching courses at the future Faculty of Medicine, obtaining a favorable response.

Thus, the mayor of León himself, José Antonio Diez, also highlighted the need to have a Faculty of Medicine in the city and believes that “I hope this becomes a reality very soon.”

It should also be taken into account that one of the most important and prestigious degrees in Spain in health sciences is that of Breastfeeding of León, which would generate very important and beneficial synergies for regional success in health. But also the studies of Veterinary medicine, as well as physiotherapy, human nutrition and dietetics and podiatry.

Lack of doctors

The shortage of doctors is a critical problem affecting healthcare in Spain and is exacerbated by the aging of the population in rural areas and depopulation in other regions. In this context, the University of León has raised its voice for demand the creation of a diploma in medicine, arguing that this measure is vital to meet the growing demand for health professionals in Spain.

The need for health professionals in Spain is frequently the subject of political and social debates with a high demand for medical students, with restrictions on Clausus number; the need for specialization after graduation, which in turn determines the annual supply of MIR training places; Spain’s role as a host country for foreign doctors, or the differences between autonomous communities and between specialties, make the health labor market very sensitive to various factors that can trigger imbalances. The creation of new faculties should not give rise to fears that, in a few decades, there will be a greater number of doctors than demand.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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