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Police reveal to judge the identity of the Israeli agent who pulled out a gun during a demonstration in Complutense

A Madrid court has the identity of the Israeli security agent who brandished his pistol on February 8 last year during a demonstration by a group of students inside the Faculty of Philology of the Complutense University. With the police report in his possession, Judge Carlos Valle asked the prosecution whether it was appropriate to archive the preliminary proceedings opened following the complaint filed by three protesters.

In the police report that elDiario.es had access to, the Provincial Information Brigade explains that the individual who pulled out his weapon – whom it identifies by his name, surname and foreign resident card number – has a diplomatic passport from the State of Israel. . and was born in Russia. “He is a person legally accredited as diplomatic personnel in the protection functions of the Excma. Madam Ambassador of the State of Israel,” adds the Spanish police.

The auditorium of the Faculty of Philology of Complutense On February 7 and 8, it hosted a series entitled “Oslo Accords: A Commemoration.” The first day included the participation of the Palestinian ambassador to Spain. The next day, the intervention of the head of the Israeli diplomatic delegation in Madrid, Rodica Radian-Gordon, was announced. Student and pro-Palestinian groups had announced a demonstration that led to clashes between them and the university’s security personnel, joined by Israeli agents, according to the testimonies of the demonstrators.

The accident required the intervention of the Police Intervention Unit (UIP), which resulted in the arrest of two women, one aged 22 and the other 44, who remain to this day charged in another court for resisting the authorities. A total of 44 protesters were informed of the opening of administrative proceedings for violation of the Citizen Security Law.

In their report, the Information agents, deployed in civilian clothes at the Faculty, claim not to have seen the Israeli agent take out the weapon, as evidenced by a video recorded by the demonstrators. But they add that once this possibility was raised, they identified the individual and the pistol he was carrying: “Glock brand, 9 mm parabellum caliber, with identification number (…) duly guided by the Civil Guard’s arms intervention authorities and assigned to the identified person to carry out his protection duties.

The police say they saw nothing.

Spanish police say they did not see the Israeli officer take the weapon, but they give a detailed account of the protesters’ actions. “The mass of people violently burst into the building, overwhelming the auxiliary services and security personnel who were carrying out access control functions at the entrance to the faculty and causing various damages to the access doors,” the police report said.

“Then,” he continued, “they quickly went to the entrance of the room where the activity was taking place, with the clear intention of accessing it and boycotting it.” The police acknowledged the intervention of Israeli agents who, along with other Spanish men in civilian clothes and members of the university’s private security, “intercepted” the demonstrators. “There were struggles with this crowd that tried to violate access and finally managed to prevent themselves from doing so,” the report added.

In the intervention report, also included in court, the police state that it was the two detained women who, at that moment, “exercised physical violence mainly in a more extreme manner, causing injuries to a national police officer and the police chief. University security, to be ensured by SAMUR at the scene of the events. They were arrested and the other 44 demonstrators were identified for punishment.

Pro-Palestinian protesters say the police’s version of events, when it claims that it did not see the Israeli officer pull out the gun, “is contradicted by the facts themselves, by the activists’ cries when they were shot, by their demands that the officers [españoles] of the arrested individual and the hiding behind a door that the police made of the shooter.

“The contradiction in the police version shows the difficult position in which the Israeli embassy has placed the national police, since not only was it recorded how the shooter threatened to kill the students, but undercover police agents appear in the video hiding him and, therefore, evading their duty to arrest him,” they add.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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