Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 12:50 am
HomeBreaking Newsthe mission of a Barcelona company

the mission of a Barcelona company

Called to drive change in the sector

Like any company operating in the field of medicineThe biggest challenges they face are time and funding. A project like ABLE Human Motion involves a large technical developmentis faced with complex regulations and must implement clinical trials to certify the productbefore you even start billing.

One challenge has been “getting long-term funding, so investors understand those development timelines. In this case, they were five years from the time the idea was launched until there is a product on the market“, summarizes Carcinero. Banco Sabadell was one of the first investors to trust the project, participating in its first investment round through BStartup, the bank’s financial service for startups, which has been supporting the company since 2019. In addition, the entity has also provided them with support at a commercial level: “It has given us contacts with other investors, consultants and other companies working in the industry. This helped us in the initial stages namely what to do, who to call and be able to move forward with the project.

Over the past five years, the growth that the project has experienced has allowed them keep an optimistic outlook. “Our goal is to implement this first product successfully. We hope that in the face of Next year, it could already be installed in 20 rehabilitation clinics.” says the company’s CEO.

The next step on the horizon for ABLE Human Motion would be the launch of its exoskeleton for home use. With this, Carnicero expresses: “I hope that ABLE’s role is to drive change in the sectorwhich so far has focused on low market volume and high prices. We are trying to change that and be able to
sell the device for personal use for around €30,000 or €40,000 maximumwhich would be very different from anything else in the sector.

The device, scheduled for 2026, concludes Carnicero, “we hope that it will be a lever for change so that Disabled people have an additional solution to the wheelchair. In other words, they have their chair but, in addition, they can have a product like ours, which promotes your health, physical activity and well-being on a physical and emotional level.




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