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The PP proposes that the first six weeks of maternity and paternity leave should not be simultaneous

The People’s Party He has prepared his proposal for the reform of the conciliation law. Among the measures included in what the PP will propose to the parliamentary groups is the modification of paternity and maternity leave. They specifically propose to give freedom in the application of these permits so that they can be used when families deem it appropriate and so not necessarily simultaneous. In addition, they offer free education from 0 to 3 years and incentives for women to return to work.

“What the analyses reveal is that when paternal or maternal leave is requested during these first six weeks in the end they are for both at the same time”, the PP claims in a statement that they are collecting on your website. And they continue their idea: “The fatherwhen these first six weeks are over, don’t return to work. “He joins him once his paternity leave is over.”

Feijóo: “Families are the ones who know how to organize their homes best”

Party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo also spoke out about the Popular Party’s conciliation bill, with particular reference to the flexibility of permits: “Families are the ones who know how to organize their housing best. in the way fathers and mothers distribute leave.”

“We cannot let reconciliation fall on the grandfathers and grandmothers, who deserve all the recognition and affection. This country must roll out the red carpet for all those who have the courage to bring a person into the world”explains Feijóo.

Free education from 0 to 3 years, 50% between the Government and the Autonomous Communities

The leader of the People’s Party also expanded on his ideas on early childhood education. free from 0 to 3 years: “I am honored to have done it in Galicia in 2022 and now it is in Castile and León. With President Mazón it has been approved in the Valencian Community.”

The idea is The expense is shared 50% between the government and the autonomous communities to, according to Feijóo, “bring this universal right closer to all boys and girls aged 0 to 3 for the first time in our history.”




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