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Council to pay 6.1 million to fruit and vegetable producer organisations by 15 October

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has begun to pay the 6.1 million euros corresponding to the Feaga 2024 financial year by the twelve Fruit and Vegetable Producers Organizations (OPFH)which is located in Castile-La Mancha.

“They will all have received their aid by October 15. This figure, 6.1 million, represents the largest amount ever allocated to this aid line,” announced the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development, Julián Martínez Lizánduring his visit to the Sociedad Agraria de Transformación (SAT) Campos, in Cinco Casas, established as an organization of fruit and vegetable producers (OPFH).

In this context, according to the regional government, the councilor expressed the importance of cooperatives and agri-food companies in the sector being grouped under the figure of the OPFH to concentrate their offer, have a greater marketing capacity, more competitiveness and more profitability, something fundamental “for the sustainability of the agri-food sector in Castilla-La Mancha.”

“The SAT Campos that we are visiting has been clear about the importance of establishing itself as an organization of fruit and vegetable producers,” he said.

Regarding this SAT, Martínez Lizán stressed that it is a “leading” company in Castilla-La Mancha, which knows how to take advantage of the value of its work, since it carries out the entire process, from the field to the final sale. “Their work begins in the nursery and ends with the final packaging for transport, that is, they produce, market and distribute, thus managing to maintain the added value of their productions”, in their own words.

SAT Campos is made up of brothers José Luis and Sergio Camposat the head of nearly a hundred workers, whom he congratulated.

“They are an example of how to do things well, betting on modernization and being at the forefront of machinery related to air conditioning, washing and packaging of products, to meet the demands of their customers,” he said.

He also appreciated the fruit and vegetable company’s ability to expand its range of produce throughout the year, adding melon and watermelon in the summer and garlic, broccoli, peppers, zucchini and pumpkin at other times.

A “very good” campaign

Regarding this year’s melon and watermelon campaign, the head of Agriculture indicated that it has been “very good”, according to the Interprofessional, both in quality and in marketing at national and international level since the heat of this summer in Europe has boosted the consumption of these fruits.

“It is these values, the quality, the production and marketing capacity that make Castilla-La Mancha is a leading region in the production of melon and watermelon“, especially the province of Ciudad Real with companies as important as this SAT where we are,” he insisted.

This is demonstrated by the fact that in 2023 the region was the second region in terms of area and production of watermelons; and the first in area and second in production in the case of melon. As for 2024, although there is no definitive data yet, Castilla-La Mancha increased the area of ​​watermelon by about ten percent and that of melon by between three and five percent.

Production was similar or slightly lower than last year, as the lack of heat in June affected the plants a little. As for the price, “it was reasonable for melon and good for watermelon, which is very important for our producers, who must charge fair prices for their products,” the advisor concluded.

The municipal councilor of Alcázar de San Juan and provincial delegate of Agriculture of the province of Ciudad Real, Amparo Bremardaccompanied by the councilors of the same municipality, Gonzalo Redondo and Benjamín Gallego, accompanied the councilor during his visit to the Sociedad Agraria de Transformación Campos, constituted as an organization of producers of fruits and vegetables (OPFH) and located in the EATIM of Cinco Casas.

The authorities accompanied the managers of the company SAT Campos, José Luis and Sergio Campos, dedicated to the production, marketing and distribution of regional products such as melon, watermelon and pepper, which currently has around a hundred workers.

A company that, throughout its history, has improved and modernized all the aspects in which it carries out its activity, which focuses on each part of the production process, from what is developed in the nursery and in the field to the washing and packaging of the products. , reported the city council in a statement.

Amparo Bremard highlighted the work carried out by SAT Campos in the agri-food production sector as a generator of employment and economic impact in the area of ​​Cinco Casas and Alcázar de San Juan and expressed the commitment of the City Council to companies in the horticultural and agri-food production sector, offering their collaboration in any matter that may improve or enhance their activity.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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