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HomeLatest NewsFormer president of the Madrid Volleyball Club, on the bench this Tuesday...

Former president of the Madrid Volleyball Club, on the bench this Tuesday accused of sexual assault and abuse of two players

The Provincial Court of Madrid is trying this Tuesday the former president of the Madrid Volleyball Club, the Chamberí team that currently plays in the Division of Honor. The accused, DV, 36, will appear in the dock, accused of a crime of sexual assault and two crimes of sexual abuse. At the time of the events, he was president and coach of the aforementioned volleyball club, in addition to having been its founder.

The first of the reported events occurred in July 2019 when, after a match, he offered to take one of the players, only 15 years old, home and in his car. During that season, the Chamberilero club had managed to stay in the highest category of national volleyball.

According to the account of the events, the accused, in a libidinous mood, and knowing the feeling that the young woman had for him, went to a parking lot located in the Moncloa neighborhood. Once in the parking lot, he warned her that the club had made three lists to know who would stay at the club for the following season: “An orange one, a green one and a red one, the latter being the one on which she appeared and”. in capital letters, making her understand that she was outside the team, then telling her that she represented the essence of the club and that he was not going to allow it.

After discussing various topics for a while, the accused warned her that the dress she was wearing made her look older. He then suggested a game, with the following words verbatim: “I will set the timer for one minute and what happens in that minute will be forgotten.” The accused gave her several kisses and then suggested that she move to the back seats of the vehicle, knocking her over and lying on top of him. The written account of the events indicates that the minor felt very uncomfortable, frightened, pressured and ashamed.

The second episode occurred at the beginning of the following season, in September 2020. It involved another player who was going through a bad emotional situation and eating disorders related to bulimia. The accused told her that he would be her coach and that she would act as team captain. On October 3, 2020, the accused invited the girl for a drink and took her to a floor of the club and, once there, he urged her to kiss him, which she refused, telling him that she did not feel comfortable. He then inserted his fingers into her vagina. On October 6, the girl warned DV that she did not want to have a relationship with him. On October 7, they met again and she again stated that she did not want to have sex, despite which they then had full sexual intercourse.

The prosecution is demanding 32 years in prison against the defendants for events that became known in the spring of 2022, when the former president was arrested and prosecuted for alleged sexual abuse and assault. He has since parted ways with the club, which survived his departure and a relegation and later elected a woman to serve as president. After several years of fighting for promotion, Club de Volleyball de Madrid was promoted back to the Division of Honor, in which it will play during the current season.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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