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Bolivian man who killed girlfriend and threw her in river claims he was jealous after seeing ‘hickeys’ on her

The man accused of murdering his partner in Seville in April 2022 and throw his body into the Guadalquivir River He assured this Monday during the trial with popular jury held against him in the Court of Seville who committed the crime “drunk” and overcome by “rage” because of a attack of jealousy after discovering it “lollipops” on the neck. The accused also maintained that he had never thought of killing his girlfriend, whom he loved “very much” and with whom, he said, he had plans for the future.

Alfredo GC, 51 years old and Bolivian nationality, lived in Spain in an irregular situation. He had already been convicted of hitting his partner. According to the charges, the accused and the victim, Virginia TG, of the same age and nationality, had been in a romantic relationship since 2010, although intermittently and with sporadic cohabitation. The defendant, who only answered questions from his defense, faces a request for 29 years in prison: 25 for the offence of murder with the aggravating circumstances of kinship and sex, three additional years for the offence of continuing fraud and one year in prison for the offence of insults in the matter of violence against women with the aggravating circumstance of repeat offence.

The confessed murderer framed the crime in “treason” how he felt when he realised his partner had been with another man. “It (killing her) never crossed my mind. “It’s a shame,” said the accused, who was “very sorry” for what happened and asked the deceased’s family for forgiveness.

On the day of the incident, Alfredo GC stated that they were drinking a large number of beers on the floor of the Agata Street rented in his name and where he lived with the victim. Three friends (a married couple and another man) came to the house and bought it together 30 liters of beeraccording to his account, at a meeting where they were playing music and dancing.

At one point, the accused noticed that his partner had marks of “hickeys” on the neck that he had not done to her and, carried away by the “fury”, they began to argue.

The accused, Alfredo GC, enters court to testify before the judge in April 2023. (Photo: EP)

At this point, the charges state that the woman told him that It was “very old and boring” and that she preferred to be with another man, with whom she had spent the night and the day before. Shortly afterwards, the accused approached the victim, who was sitting on a chair, and hit her. strong blow on the face.

After his friends intervened in the fight, the accused left the house and went “out into the street”, where, together with a friend, he drank another “five mugs” of beer, according to his version.

At that time, in addition to being “drunk and tipsy,” he was also “nervous and very angry” about a jealousy attackhe noticed. Eventually he went home, where his partner and other friends continued the party.

It was then that, as she indicated, she went into the room to “change” and he followed her. Regarding what happened next, he stated that doesn’t remember anything because of the alcohol consumption. “I don’t remember what happened,” he said with a shrug.

According to the prosecution, as soon as Alfredo returned from the street, his partner went to his room. He stayed drinking in the living room and when all his friends had fallen asleep, “he entered the room he shared with his partner and closed the door.” “Moved by jealousy and the intention of appropriating the money she had, aware that she was planning to leave him for someone else,” and taking advantage of the fact that she was drunk, “he suddenly and surprisingly placed himself on top of her, in order to kill her.” , immobilizing her crush his chest and thorax with the weight of his own bodywhile holding his neck firmly to prevent him from moving and blocking his airway, either with his hand or the pillow, until this actually happens. mechanical asphyxia due to suffocation“, specifies the prosecution report.

For his part, the accused stated that he had “never, at all” wanted to kill his partner. According to him, he thought the victim had “fallen asleep” and it was only the next morning that he realised she was dead. “He panicked” and got rid of the body wrapping it in a sheet and throwing it among some reeds of the Guadalquivir River.

Reed area of ​​the Guadalquivir River where the body is believed to have been hidden. (Photo: EP)

According to the charges, the accused “wrapped” her body in garbage bags and, the next morning, expelled all the guests under the pretext that he wanted to speak alone with his partner. During the day, he got rid of all his belongings, throwing them in different trash cans, and around midnight, used a wheelbarrow carry the body to the shore of the Guadalquivirwhere he hid it among some bushes next to the Alamillo bridge. Virginia’s lifeless body remained there until it was arrested a few months later, on June 21 of the same year, and confessed the location of the corpse.

Furthermore, according to the prosecution, the accused seized the victim’s bank card, seizing a total of 8,140 euros from your partner’s account in different operations over several weeks. According to the prosecution’s account, Alfredo maintained this relationship for a simple economic reason, since she had 32,000 euros in the bank for her work as an “intern” in foster homes in Seville.

In this regard, the defendant acknowledged that in August 2020 he had been sentenced to 16 months ban on communication and approach to the victim for an offence of injury in the field of gender violencea ban that ended on December 23, 2021. After that, both resumed the relationship and, according to her version, it was she who voluntarily gave him the password to her bank card because they both shared that account, which was in her name.

In addition, he assured that before the breakup before this sentence of 2020, between the two they had accumulated more than 40,000 euros into this bank account because they were considering buying a house.

“He continued his normal life”

In this new session of the trial, the head of the National Police Homicide Unitwho explained the investigation carried out to clarify the fate of the victim after her disappearance and how several witnesses recounted that the accused “always tried to remove” the victim’s bank card “to get money” and get rid of it.

He also explained that after the events, the accused would have “continued with your normal life“trying to meet women and drinking alcohol” constantly, in addition to telling third parties that his partner was “fine” so that they would not suspect his absence.

He also described different strategies supposedly followed to evade a police investigation, such as changing your cell phone card or using a Bolivian dialect when you talk about the events to a family member. After his arrest, according to the head of the Homicide Group, the accused “spontaneously” confessed his responsibility for the crime and led the officers to the place where he had left the body.

Coldness and premeditation

The accused’s version contrasts with that supported last Friday by the public prosecutor during the first hearing session. In her opening statements, the prosecutor stressed “coldness” and “premeditation” with which the murderer acted.

The prosecutor recalled that she was able to “continue partying and living” for two months until the victim’s body was found, hidden among some reeds in the section of the Guadalquivir River corresponding to the San Jerónimo neighborhood.

The private prosecutor, engaged on behalf of the victim’s son, also criticised the defendant’s attitude: “He murdered a woman because she was onebecause she was a woman and she was going to leave with someone else.

Both the public prosecutor’s office and the private prosecutor’s office and the popular prosecutor’s office, exercised by the Junta de Andalucía, consider the constitutive facts three crimes (murder, fraud and injury).

Faced with this, the defense argues that prosecutions should be acquitted since on the day of the events he was moved by a fit of anger or a state of passion due to jealousy generated by the discovery that his partner had been with another person, a circumstance that he considers an excuse. In the alternative, he invokes the mitigating circumstance of the consumption of alcohol.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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