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HomeLatest NewsIn 2023, Galicia recorded the lowest level of public debt in 11...

In 2023, Galicia recorded the lowest level of public debt in 11 years

Last year, the Community achieved the deficit and public debt reduction targets set by regional ordinances. And it did so, moreover, leaving the best debt ratio since 2012, 16.1% –compared to the average of 22.2% of all autonomies– and an improvement of “almost three tenths” of its deficit, bringing it to 0.18% of the community GDP. The good functioning of Galician finances – reflected in the Conta Xunta 2023 in which he participated together with the Galician president, Alfonso Rueda.

The regional leader began by demanding that Galicia executed almost all of its consolidated budget last year: 99.6% -not counting the European Next Generation funds-, and which “not only” achieved its debt and deficit targets, but was “one of the [comunidades] “which leads the average payment period to suppliers”, with 14.82 days compared to the state average of 27.87. Corgos took over, stressing that “Galicia paid its bills in almost half the time of all the communities” and defended that the Galician executive “provides certainty and confidence to citizens and companies.”

The councilor exposed the remainder of the 2023 balance in his speech. He defended that Galicia’s behavior was characterized “by the stability and rigor on which our figures, our budgetary performance, are based” and highlighted how Galician finances That year, they set aside about 9% of their current revenues – about $1,089 million – to finance their operations. of capital that “contributes to the economic improvement of Galicia in the medium term”; and also that the Community has devoted 17% of total non-financial expenditure to investments, seven points above the national average.

Indicators which, for the mayor of Facenda, reflect the commitment of his Administration to growth based on “respect” for deficit and debt targets, while allowing “room for spending” in investments, services and payments to suppliers, Ep reported.

In the same spirit, the president of the Xunta confirmed that Budgets for 2025 are already “in the preparation phase” and guaranteed that they are preparing “with meaning” to, “within a year, be able to accredit figures as remarkable” as those presented by the Conta Xeral of 2023.

From now on, the Xunta will send the document to Parliament and the Consello de Contas, as established by current regulations. Miguel Corgos pointed out that, as a novelty, this year the delivery will be done electronically, following one of the recommendations made by his department.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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