Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 9:00 am
HomeLatest NewsSánchez supports Espadas by appointing him president of the PSOE Federal Congress

Sánchez supports Espadas by appointing him president of the PSOE Federal Congress

Pedro Sánchez’s strong support for Juan Espadas, at least for the gallery. The general secretary of the Andalusian PSOE will chair the 41st Federal Congress of the PSOE which will take place in Seville from October 29 to November 1, which places the former mayor of Seville as the first authority of a decisive conclave in Sánchez’s strategy.

Espadas’ appointment is in line with the socialist tradition that the party’s top official in the community hosting the Congress is its president. However, it has its relevance after the last few weeks Rumors are circulating about a possible replacement at the head of the party in Andalusia and that some provincial directorates, such as that of Cordoba, have openly shown their criticism of the management of Espadas.

On the other hand, Andalusia will remain the territorial delegation with more weight in the federal meetingholding 25% of the militancy at the state level. Specifically, Andalusia will have, according to the data provided by the federal leadership of the PSOE, 268 delegates assigned to the next Congress, of which 57 correspond to the province of Seville (the largest). Next, according to the number of militants, come Granada (39), Jaén and Málaga (37), Cádiz (32), Almería (24), Córdoba (22) and Huelva (20).

Andalusia will maintain this a quarter of the weight at the Federal Congress of Sevillefollowed by the Valencian Community, with 10% of the militancy, which will have 115 delegates. Madrid, which has 89 representatives, has 8% and Catalonia, with 86, around 7%.

For the regional management of Juan Espadas, the celebration of the Federal Congress in Seville is a boost in addition to being the launch of the socialist project ahead of the 2026 regional elections. Furthermore, once the organic scenario is settled, any debate around the candidacy will also be decided (either by a vote because there are two lists, or by internal support).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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