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HomeLatest NewsThe confiscatory barbarity of Sumar

The confiscatory barbarity of Sumar

Yolanda Diaz has proposed raising taxes on all Spaniards to achieve the PGE of 2025 and pay, like that, the Catalan quota. Dissatisfied with the illegality that the Catalan concert represents, with the current regulations, which are also unfair, unsupportive and ineffective, they want to suffocate all Spaniards to pay the price of their remaining in the blue bank.

Thus, he proposes to incorporate a new section of personal income tax for incomes above 150,000 euros; to apply the wealth tax to those who have more than one million euros – today it is three million -; eliminate deductions -which would be good if the rates were lowered, but it is not the case– ; increase taxation of capital income until it is equal to earned income; make taxes on banks and energy companies permanent; or make the ICI progressiveamong other proposals.

In addition, he wants to intervene even more in the housing market by establishing bans which prevents you from buying a house as an investment – what the left calls speculation -. Given the result of its price controls, which have destroyed the real estate market, especially in its rental aspect, the effect that this would have on him is frightening.

Diaz returns to the same path still defended by the communistsby the majority of the left, in fact. He calls rich any citizen with an average or upper-middle income, who pays a lot of taxes and who benefits from services that can be improved. In addition, there are not as many rich people as Díaz says, but, in any case, his obsession, that of communism, that of the most rancid socialism, is not that there are no more poor people; what they want is that we stop being richbecause they push to the extreme one of the worst feelings of human beings, which is envy.

He wants to tax the Spaniards to the point of strangulation because he must have funds to distribute in order to receive, in exchange, by pure transaction, the votes that ensure that the current government continues to govern.

Their confiscatory project only leads to the abyss, to an impoverished society. Not only does he not want poverty to end, but his economic policy can only lead to many moreThey only know how to govern at the expense of the citizens, by spending public money, which is not theirs, but rather that of the taxpayers, whom they swindle with more and more taxes, while buying their permanence with an aberrant Catalan quotawhere they defend that a rich region keeps the key to the box and breaks solidarity, posing problems financing basic servicessuch as health and education, regions benefiting from the funds.

In short, Diaz’s project is new, but the ideas it contains are old and failed. If monetary policy were in your hands, you would print money monetize debt and would lead us to hyperinflation. Fortunately, it cannot do that. It is a barbaric plan, because it will impoverish the economy, families, businesses, everyone.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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