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The Generalitat and the University of Alicante will work to create an interuniversity health campus

The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, and the Rector of the University of Alicante, Amparo Navarro, are in full agreement that medicine should continue at the UA. After a long meeting between the two, it seems that work will also be carried out to ensure that There is a future interuniversity campus with the Miguel Hernández University.

Cordiality and understanding preside over the meeting this Monday between the two entities. One of the most intense topics of this summer was on the table, the future of the medical degree at the UA, which is entering its second year.

The President of the Council had already stressed in September repeatedly that this future would continue to pass through Alicante. Why was there this doubt? The UMH had opened legal proceedings against the resumption of these studies after their departure from the UA almost three decades ago.

This legal procedure is still awaiting a decision, since it had been announced that it would be rendered in September. At the meeting this Monday, Mazón and Navarro agreed to create a technical working group analyze all possible scenarios after the judicial resolution.

This proposal already marks an important step forward in relations between the two parties, which were tense in August and September. The approach with which it is now being addressed is clear, the political perspective that the opposition has sought to offer is fadingto emphasize the technical character.

And they will have a lot of work ahead of them. This group will have to address any issues that arise once the judge delivers the resolution with which he responds to the request of the UMH to paralyze this return to Medicine at the UA.

The greatest proof that this Monday’s meeting is “very positive”, as Mazón himself and Navarro advanced at the end around 9:30 p.m., is that now both parties have shown themselves agree to work for a future interuniversity health campus.

This proposal that the Generalitat has been defending since August, as Mazón and his Minister of Education José Antonio Rovira have pointed out, This would represent a major step forward in the collaboration between the AU and the UMH..

What would be done with this interuniversity campus? The objectives set with this option would be two in number. First, the health practices and, secondly, the approval of new diplomas as well.

Technical work

This educational revolution, since it would be the first in the Valencian Community, awaits what the judicial resolution says. As they point out, The work for the future campus will be done after seeing the expected sentence.

This agreement has in any case a great symbolic value that reflects the new tone of the negotiations. That same month of September, Rector Amparo Navarro reflected before the media on this possibility and highlighted the challenges that it implies rather than the advantages that it would bring.

Last August, the president highlighted the vision for this campus: “Instead of fighting between Alicante and Elche, let’s play to add, let’s play to coordinate and play with the economy of scale that our patients deserve to benefit from the best training.

Uniting the AU and the UMH

And what would the UMH think of this change? Just look at the statements of the rector himself, Juan José Ruiz, last August: “I consider very convenient for the province of Alicante to create a powerful hub socio-sanitary”.

Ruiz’s reasoning was to “share resources and teachers in a synergistic way, avoid duplication of expensive degrees such as medicine or nursing“.

News in update

We are working to expand this information. Soon, the editorial staff of EL ESPAÑOL will offer you an update of all the data on this news.

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