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the bomb that no one expected

If there is one personality on the television scene who is not afraid to raise his voice and say what he thinks, it is Aida Nizar. Since she became famous thanks to her participation in “Big Brother”, the collaborator has proven herself to be a courageous woman and her latest “bomb” has left no one indifferent. On this occasion, the target of her words has been her partner Marta Riesco. He shared information that was until now under lock and key and that will mark a before and after.

During the broadcast last Thursday, September 19, of the program ‘Ni que fuerámos’, where the two collaborate, Aida Nizar released some statements that lit up the set and they talk a lot. In a direct and unfiltered manner, he spoke Marta Riesco as a “celebrity seeker”a term that immediately raised blisters in the air. However, what caught the most attention was the way Nízar justified his comment: ““I’m not insulting her, I’m defining her.”.

The best part is that Aida didn’t stop there. In his usual polemical tone, he assured that he had nothing personal against Marta, whom he described with some irony as “a fervent fan” son. “Just because I had all my famous boyfriends doesn’t mean I did it for interest. Good meets extraordinary” he remarked.

This is how Marta Riesco reacted

Marta Riesco, who became famous thanks to her relationship with Antonio David Flores, did not remain silent in the face of what she considers a direct and personal attack. He was quick to respond to Aída Nízar, accusing her of having a “sexist attitude” and using offensive language that should not have a place on television. “You have a backward mind,” he said..

Aída Nízar against Marta Riesco. (Photo: Télécinco)

This confrontation between the two is not new. Aida and Marta have made it clear on several occasions that they cannot stand each other and their tensions have been evident in other programs. However, no one expected the situation to escalate as it did in ‘No way.’ From the first minutes, the tension was palpable. The simple fact that the audience had decided that Marta would enter the set before Nízar was already a cause of indignation for the latter, who even requested the intervention of a notary to check the voting results.

A confrontation that left everyone speechless

The face-to-face between the two collaborators quickly inflamed tempers even more.. While Riesco launched his accusations, stressing that Nízar had a television style “that embarrasses others”, Aída responded with a mixture of irony and sarcasm.remembering an alleged episode in which, according to her, Marta asked her for a photo in a nightclub. Antonio David Flores’ ex categorically denied this anecdote, but Aída continued to insist.

The exchange of reproaches did not stop there. The former candidate of ‘GH’ He took the opportunity to launch a poisoned arrow at Riesco’s past relationship with Antonio David: “I congratulate you because what a burden you got rid of with him. “It was about to sink your career.” He also paid him an ironic compliment: “I have to say that you are experiencing television moments similar to mine because you put courage into it.”.

What could have been a limited confrontation between Marta and Aída ended up spreading to the rest of the collaborators present on the set. At one point, Nízar attacked them all, stating that “thank God” she had the program director, David Valldeperas, to guide her, because “if it were for those…” This sentence prompted Kiko Matamoros to ask him for a little more respect.something that failed to calm the atmosphere.

Maria Patino takes action

The intervention of the presenter María Patiñowho tried to mediate the confrontation, failed to calm things down. Although at one point the tone of the conversation seemed to soften, Aída Nízar made it clear that she had no intention of retracting her statement. When asked if she regretted calling Marta Riesco a “buscon”, her response was forceful: “No, and I repeat it.”.

For her part, Marta continued her criticism, assuring that Aida’s use of this word demonstrated his “retrograde” mentality and old-fashioned, insisting that it is not acceptable to refer to a woman with such terms, no matter what the situation.

This crossing of statements and the reproaches have shown that the relationship between the two collaborators remains tense. Time will tell if this is just another episode in the long list of Aída Nízar clashes or if the conflict with Marta Riesco will mark a before and after. What is clear is that “No way we were” managed to captivate the audience with a new plot.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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