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HomeLatest Newsa very serious scenario of the current Third World War

a very serious scenario of the current Third World War

Unfortunately, we were not wrong last week when we wrote that the World War III unconventional had already begun, after the evolution of the war in Middle East. Calling it “unconventional” is inferred from the text itself in which he attempts to differentiate this Third war of the two previous ones, which were global because of the competitors who formed respective camps with states from different continents and who disputed a new world geopolitical order.

So it was and the First – the one that began in 1914 and ended in 1918 – ended with the empires that survived the Spanish Catholic Empire, defeated in the 19th century – which began to take advantage of the Napoleonic invasion of Spain to impose the principles of the Enlightenment victorious in the French Revolution and which culminated in 1898 with the war launched by the United States and with the loss of Cuba, the Philippines and Puerto Rico.

The Catholic Empire of Austria-Hungary, the Tsarist Empire of Russia, the First Reich after the Franco-Prussian War of 1871 and the Ottoman Empire survived. Three of them were defeated on the war fronts – the Tsarist with the March and October Revolutions of 1917 – and eliminated in the Second World War. Treaties of Versailles of 1919emerging the political empire of the United States, the Soviet empire of the USSR, the German Third Reich and the Empire of Japan. The latter two would be eliminated with their defeat in World War II, which consolidated a bipolar world order with the United States and the USSR leading the Western and Marxist worlds, respectively.

We already know that this bipolar order, born in 1945, gave way to a hegemonic American order after the disappearance of the USSR on December 8, 1991, and that China and Russia put an end to it in 2022 with the bilateral (and “historic”) Treaty, signed in Beijing by Xi Jinping And Poutine.

So there was no doubt about the relationship between the invasion of Ukraine for Russia and this treaty, as is known, began immediately after Putin’s return to Moscow after this signature that declared his aspiration to a new “multipolar” world order, whose “poles” are the BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The war in Ukraine is therefore a chapter of this world war that was followed by the one that began on October 7 with the Hamas Terrorist Attack on Israel. The one in Ukraine is between the United States and Russia, in order to determine where the respective zone of influence ends in Eastern Europe. And the one in the East is to end the political hegemony exercised by the Americans in the region, through Israel.

They intend to end the US global hegemonic order – which they are unwilling to passively give up – but it cannot be defeated by a “conventional” world war given the nuclear weapons of both sides, which would mean a WFD (Mutually Assured Destruction).

But let this new order not be decided as it was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki This does not eliminate the risk that a “human error” could trigger it. Anyone who plays with fire can end up getting burned, and currently the world is immersed in a multipolar war that can lead to a catastrophe of apocalyptic dimensions. In case there was any doubt about it, the evolution of the war unleashed against Israel has gone from a single objective in the Gaza Strip to a conflict with Lebanon, with the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah – having close ties to the Islamic Republic of Israel. Iran – as the respective protagonists on the ground.

It is worth noting the attack launched against Hezbollah with weapons of war that prove the solvency of Israeli military technology and the Mossad intelligence called into question by the alleged lack of foresight in the face of the terrorist attack of October 7. And also that Israel does not seem willing to end this war without eliminating the two terrorist organizations that threaten it at both ends of its borders. And that Iran is already a pole of the BRICS. The Middle East is already a war front of particular gravity in this Third World War.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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