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The viral WhatsApp that shows what it means to live as a couple in Spain: “All the time”

Living as a couple is not easy and this viral WhatsApp This is evidence that makes us reflect on our habits. Life has changed a lot since previous generations had to face this daily challenge. Going to work and leading a life as a couple and family is not easy. Especially in these times when we have to be prepared for anything. This is what a well-known influencer and presenter shows us when he made one of his WhatsApp messages go viral.

This communication application that accompanies millions of people around the world could surely give us more data on the messages that are multiplying these days. We are facing a series of changes and elements that we may not have taken into account until now. These are daily messages that can give us some details about the way of life we ​​have today, light years away from what our parents or grandparents did. This message is one of the most viral in the world and leaves no doubt about the great challenges that await us.

What is it like to live as a couple in Spain?

THE Food and housework become the main topics conversation about life as a couple. Unless you are lucky enough to live with a professional chef or someone who loves to cook, there are two things that hold us back. The first is investing or wasting time, it depends on how you look at it.

Investing time in the kitchen is gaining health. Homemade food, from lentils to lentils, is the best possible. We can enjoy a type of food that could end up being the one that accompanies us in these days that we have ahead of us and that are essential to achieve what we want.

A good home-cooked meal that has almost disappeared in recent times, especially when you consider what awaits us. A living situation as a couple that requires both members to bring home a good salary. Working hours outside the home to pay for housing that far exceeds the price we would have been used to not so long ago. Thus, life as a couple focuses on joint work and household chores that must be shared.

This is the viral WhatsApp

Carlos Peguer is the influencer behind this message in which he explains what to do, whether it’s taking a bus or calling a restaurant for dinner. Which means that if no one at home has time or wants to cook, the investment in food from outside the home can be huge.

In addition, this change in cycle means that we have to invest more money in buying food. Therefore, family tupperwares are essential. Those mothers and fathers who do not hesitate to prepare extra food to feed their children who, despite being older and becoming independent, must have this type of food.

The time will come to start visualizing this common conversation in the life of a couple. Hand in hand with a message that has gone viral and accumulates thousands of comments that invite us to reflect. Not having time to cook or go shopping should not be normal.

With a full-time job, as previous generations did, you should be able to have these essential tools at your disposal. In short, making macaroni with tomatoes takes only a few minutes. The same as a vegetable dish or a grilled fish or meat.

The fact that there is no desire to do anything refers to an energy that we spend during the day and that we may not have taken into account until now. It is time to focus on what really matters to get what we want, eating well and dedicating time to ourselves.

Stop watching TV or keeping an eye on social networks that bring nothing to focus entirely on some small details that are essential and that we may not have taken into account until now. Life as a couple makes us open our eyes to the care that we must give ourselves or do in the best possible way.

It’s time to look a little further. Visualize a new stage that we may not have imagined until now could unfold like this. Life as a couple, starting with the one who cooks and the one who cleans the kitchen, is not easy, but it is something that we must face whenever possible. Thanks to these steps, we will go where we would never have imagined.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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