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HomeBreaking News"Nobody is safe," says Margarita Robles

“Nobody is safe,” says Margarita Robles

THE 650 spanish soldiers integrated into the 10,000 blue helmets UN Mission on the border of Lebanon living under tension and on constant alert the escalation of hostilities in recent days between Israel and the terrorist militia of Hezbollah. The last hours are proving decisive and crucial. For the moment, they have reduced their activity and suspended patrols.

“There are no injuries so far, but no one is safe.”. The Minister of Defense, Marguerite Roblesexpressed his concern on Monday about the situation of the military in the Aragonese Brigadethe name given to the Spanish delegation of the United Nations contingent. These soldiers are dedicated to patrolling southern Lebanon in what is called blue lineat the border between the two countries, to monitor the cessation of hostilities between the parties.

The minister is aware of all the news at the Miguel de Cervantes base in the Lebanese city of Marjayun. They keep you informed of the situation daily.

That same Monday afternoon, Robles spoke with the head of the 10,000-man mission, Spanish General Aroldo Lázaro. They were aware of the intense bombings they expected at the beginning of this week. Currently, according to the minister, “they are taking all kinds of security measures.”


According to Robles, the situation is extreme because there are many deaths, but the troops are “in good spirits”. “They have removed the patrols and they are locked in the bunker.” Despite this, the minister stressed: They “always” convey “tranquility”.

Israel’s attack has started more than 490 dead and more than 1,600 wounded. At the very moment the bombings were taking place, General Lázaro was holding a video conference with the UN, on which the contingent depends. There is still no news of the continuity of the troops on the ground.

In recent hours, several local newspapers have circulated information that the mission’s civilian personnel will begin to take refuge in an enclave far from the line of fire. This has not yet been confirmed by the Ministry of Defense.

A few days ago, army commanders had already warned EL ESPAÑOL. “Something big is coming,” said the sources consulted.

The troops of this peacekeeping mission are caught between two fires. The attack suffered in recent days by HezbollahAccording to military commanders, has once again put the contingent members on guard. There is some concern at the Miguel de Cervantes base due to the escalation.

Government concern

After these latest episodes, government sources also reveal to this newspaper their growing concern for the troops. The soldiers spend a lot of time in armoured shelters, protected from shells from both sides, but the situation is only getting worse.

Executive sources stress that the confrontation It has practically become a virtual conflictgiven that the exchange of rockets and missiles on both sides of the border, flying over the blue linehas been on the agenda for months.

For the moment, the government says, the withdrawal of troops is not planned, an extreme that should be agreed with the rest of the countries of the mission. Although for the moment it is the general Aroldo Lazaro who holds the command as head of mission and force commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, Spain cannot decide to unilaterally withdraw its soldiers. The decision would be taken by the UN and would affect the entire contingent.

Of course, the armed forces have already updated their evacuation plans. When the detachment withdraws, the withdrawal will be by sea, since the Hezbollah terrorist militia Not only does it control the south of the country, but it has a stronghold that blocks access to Beirut airport.

This plan will require maritime support from United Nations troops, mainly to facilitate movements when the order is given to leave Lebanon.




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