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PP accelerates its social plan in the face of the weakness of the Executive

Pedro Sánchez is tired of repeating that he wants to exhaust the legislative power, even though the signals he receives from his investiture partners, those who support him in Moncloa, are increasingly clear and go in the opposite direction. The instability of the government is a fact and the inability to approve next year’s budgets, as some members of the executive already take for granted, is the best proof of this weakness. Faced with this, and without the certainty that there can be an electoral advance in the coming months – “it is something that only depends on Puigdemont”, say PP sources – Alberto Núñez Feijóo has given the order to accelerate a good part of the social measures included in the electoral program. “Faced with the worst of governments, let us not be the least bad of the political parties, but rather the best option for all generations of Spaniards”, he said on Monday in his speech before the National Executive Committee. Given the uncertainty of the political future, Feijóo does not want a possible electoral advance to take him off on the wrong foot and that is why he has activated all the party’s resources at the beginning of the course, with special emphasis on the social aspect. , to show the people that the PP is a formation that is concerned with solving their problems. “The change will accelerate in the elections when the independence movement no longer has anything to take from the current government and when the majority of Spaniards can resolve this situation by voting with the unity that we lacked on July 23 of last year,” Feijóo said. , suggesting that they must prepare for this possible electoral advance and that the PP must be the refuge of the right-wing vote to bring about change. The Popular Party wants the conciliation law, announced this week by Feijóo himself, to be a turning point for families, whom the party wants to take special care of, knowing that they have been one of the groups most punished by the party’s current policy. Executive. This rule is so important that the president of the PP announced this Monday that he would ask to meet with social agents – unions and employers – to reach an agreement with them on the measures included in it. “Nothing should be imposed on them without having their opinion, their criteria and their involvement,” he said. Standard Related news If Junts increasingly agrees with the PP, but denies an alliance Juan Casillas Bayo The continuation of multiple recidivism, the last harmony between the two partiesIn addition to this law to help families, Feijóo anticipated PP solutions to other problems that concern Spaniards, such as immigration and housing. Regarding the first, the opposition leader recalled the “pact with the government of the Canary Islands, supported by the majority of the autonomous communities, while the government is only looking for how to transfer its powers and distribute them throughout the territory”; Regarding the second, he stressed that “today it is infinitely more difficult to acquire a home than six years ago, when the PSOE came to power”. In this sense, the popular parties have already approved in the Senate the anti-squatting law that is awaiting examination in Congress and have been working for months with the city councils and representatives of the sector to address the reform of the land and housing law. A priority issue that will come to light in the coming weeks. The next steps of the PP agreement on immigration Agreed with the government of the Canary Islands and the majority of the autonomous communities, it is expected that this week there will be a meeting with the Minister of Territorial Policy to seal a state pact that puts an end to illegal immigration Conciliation Law After presenting the outlines of the standard – free nursery schools, flexibility of birth permits and tax incentives for mothers – Feijóo will meet with social agents to agree on all these measures. Housing Plan The reform of the Land and Housing Law is a priority for the PP, which has been meeting with associations for months to work on a rule that it will soon present to Congress. The ALS law was approved, blocked by the government in Congress for three years, the Popular Party is leaving. to focus their health efforts from now on on mental health and the fight against harassment. Two fundamental aspects, which go hand in hand, and which have already begun to develop, as could be seen this Monday in the interventions of different experts on this subject in the Senate Health Commission. “There is another policy and it is the one we are applying and the one we must return to Spain. There is an alternative that will not wait its turn to improve this country. That is where we will find the Spaniards who do not agree with this drift. We are different from what exists, Spain is much more than its government”, Feijóo explained to his regional barons, to whom he asked for an effort to extend these projects to their territories. “Let’s not wait for solutions from Moncloa, which already has enough”, he concluded.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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