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“They are making fun of us”

The spokesperson for UPN in the Parliament of Navarra, Javier Esparzasaid this Monday that with the high-speed train, “Navarre is considered a given.” “It is not possible that in the last 30 years, governments of all colors, from the PSOE or the PP, have all made us dizzy,” he censored.

This was highlighted in relation to the data from the General State Intervention which shows that between 2015 and 2021, investments made in Navarre They added 300 million to the 388 initially proposed (77.3% execution).

Esparza commented that “in UPN, we feel cheated, because the reality was the same until 2018in which Mariano Rajoy needed the votes of the two UPN deputies in Congress, there was no real commitment to high speed in Navarre.” “Part of everything that is being done, of the work that we see today around Marcilla, was born from this agreement, but because there was a need, because if the PP had not had this need, we would not have carried out this work,” he said.

As he continued, “I talk about the PP, but if I talk about the PSOE, it’s exactly the same”“We signed agreements with the PSOE to reach a high speed and they took us for a ride. We invest and we invest much less than elsewhere,” said Esparza.

The regionalist spokesman said that “This is a clear example, which can also be subscribed to the scope of these data” from the Intervention, data which “leave it in black and white that what we say is true, that ultimately the priorities of the national parties are different.”

According to him, “the The priorities of the PP or the PSOE are not in Navarre“. “They invest where they have the most voice, where they have other types of needs. “They invest in the Basque Country, they invest in Catalonia, they invest in Madrid, they invest in Valencia, they invest in Andalusia, they invest in the most populated Communities and that, in one way or another, allow someone to access the presidency of the Spanish Government or not.” , he said.

For his part, the EH Bildu spokesperson Laura Aznal said on this subject: that “we work for the people, so that Navarre continues to advance and we also do it in Madrid.” “At that time, EH Bildu had already had conversations in Madrid with the State Government and in view of the next budgets,” he said, stressing that “we will continue to present proposals, as we have done so far.”

Pablo Azcona, from Geroa Bai, estimated that “the State you didn’t just invest less than it should be in Navarrebut we compare it to the rest, the latest investment expenditures for infrastructure.” “These are sufficiently worrying figures and the investments are sufficiently interesting and necessary for all citizens for the president to explain to us if she intends to take some action,” he said, to defend that “Navarre shows solidarity with the entire State, it contributes throughout these years what corresponds to the infrastructure of the entire State, in this case the 1, 6, and yet, Navarre does not receive reimbursement from the State of what should be invested here.

THE Irene Royo, PPN parliamentarian indicated that the State’s investment in Navarre in seven years has been 300 million, or 62 euros on averagefar from the 92 euros that were won in the Basque Country “Our government must react. And now that Pedro Sánchez is meeting with all the presidents, what is our president going to do?”, he said, to indicate that “we do not see leadership in this socialist government, with its president at its head, to ask for fairer treatment for Navarre.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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