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HomeLatest NewsFalse testimony is a crime, Pedro Sánchez

False testimony is a crime, Pedro Sánchez

The question posed by Judge Peinado Pedro Sanchez When she took his statement as a witness at Moncloa, she was very clear: “In this procedure, there are three people under investigation, I’m going to ask you if you have any type of relationship with them. Do you know Juan Carlos Barrabés?” And the head of the Executive, without thinking, responded with a laconic but surprising and forceful “no.” Well, Sánchez did not tell the truth, which is tantamount to lying or, since it is a statement as a witness before the judge, false testimonyliable to prison sentences of 6 months to 2 years.

In any case, what is surprising is that it was Juan Carlos Barrabés himself who, in his statement before Judge Peinado, assured having met the president several times in Moncloa. In addition, I already knew him through several meetings at different events and, above all, because Sánchez knew perfectly well who Begoña Gómez’s partner was since they had met in the Aragonese town of Benasque.

As revealed by OKDIARIO, Pedro Sánchez skied in this Pyrenean town and there are photographs of the president meeting businessmen such as Juan Carlos Barrabés, although members of Pedro Sánchez’s entourage of friends maintain cordial relations with the businessman.

Barrabés told the truth when asked during his meeting with the president: “TheOr I looked and I think it was in Benasque. I come from a town in the Pyrenees and one day the Business Association called us for a meeting, it was in 2015, and there were about forty businessmen. […] He gave a talk and I welcomed him there and I think that’s where I met him,” he said. Indeed. That’s where it all started, but Pedro Sánchez denied knowing him before the judge. One of the two is lying and it is clear that it is Pedro Sánchez. It is surprising that before refusing to testify, the general director had already lied.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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