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Feijóo strengthens the foundations of the PP with social-democratic profiles and puts it at the service of its barons

The PP of Alberto Núñez Feijóo has strengthened its foundations, Reformism21with the addition of more experts, including social democratic profiles, mainly in socio-economic question and international politics, according to senior sources popular. A qualitative leap that led Génova to create this laboratory of ideas “in the service of the barons” so that their offices also require advice and the sending of documents and reports on issues falling within their competence, the sources cited indicate.

In fact, Feijóo himself did it. this offer behind closed doors to his barons during the National Executive Committee of the PP held this Monday at the NH Eurobuilding hotel in Madrid. Sources from the national leadership of the PP also highlight the geographical “proximity” of this laboratory, located on the mezzanine of the Genoa number 15while the party’s national headquarters is located at number 13 of this street in the capital.

In this way, the sources of Genoa underline that the number of collaborators of this think tank has increased in recent months, counting on the experience of the staff who have been part of the Administration but he is not a member of the party. The profiles from social democracy stand out here in Feijóo’s idea of ​​opening the doors of their training, “get out of the trenches” and “fleeing ideological chapels and factions.”

“I did not ask any of them which party they voted for or who they would vote for in the future. Nor am I asking them to join They don’t campaign with me either“The only militancy required in this project is militancy in the Spanish nation,” stressed the PP leader during the presentation of Reformismo21 – directed by the economist Pablo Vazquez– in March 2023.

For example, among others, former ministers are already part of the Advisory Board of this PP foundation. Fatima Banez And Romain Escolanothe diplomat and former Spanish ambassador to the United States Ramon Gil-Casares; Luis Garicanoformer European Citizens MP; Nuno Cratoformer Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal; Mercedes Fuertespermanent member of the General Codification Commission of the Ministry of Justice; Noemi Gamezlawyer at the Council of State; Monsterrat Iglesiasformer director of INAEM (National Institute of Performing Arts and Music), or Tony Nadaluncle and former coach of tennis player Rafa Nadal.

Precisely, in his open speech this Monday before the National Executive Committee of the PP, Feijóo warned that “when this government passes – which will pass – many of those who applaud today for the payroll or the public checkbook They will say they were wrong.“It must have been late. Your moral duty is to avoid what is happening, not to pout later or now,” he warned them.

“We can therefore say – added the PP leader – that, while they continue on the hamster wheel, we contribute to the policy that works. Change is about standing up to privilegejust like the regional presidents. Politics is not selfish, politics must serve everyone, and everyone, of course, including Catalonia, because it also does nothing by financing the cause of independence and impoverishing Catalan society,” he told his barons and party cadres.

With Aznar at FAES

This Thursday, September 26, Feijóo will be present at an event for another foundation, in this case the one linked to the former leader of the PP and former president of the government. Jose Maria Aznarto participate in the closing session of the FAES Campus where the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, will also speak.

During the inauguration of the FAES Campus, celebrated this Monday, the former head of the Executive accused the government of the socialist Pedro Sánchez of being a “Madrid Delegation of Secessionism” Catalan.

“The execution of the government reveals to what extent Moncloa is already a Madrid delegation of secessionism. Once the amnesty is over, cycle of impunity“The secessionists are keeping the government alive to finish the job,” he stressed amid the debate on the independence quota agreed by the PSOE and the ERC.

Furthermore, Aznar stressed that the Executive of Sánchez and the Catalan and Basque independentists “are united by the cement” to prevent “any possibility of political alternation”, in the case of the PP.

Regarding the “single” financing for Catalonia, Aznar warned that this measure “seriously” threatens the constitutional pact and the autonomous state model. “We are there touch the constitutional bone“What is at stake is the equality of Spaniards before the law and the economic, political and social cohesion of the nation, things that are impossible to negotiate bilaterally,” he stressed.

Also on Feijóo’s agenda is a visit to Catalonia this week, with a stop in Barcelona Friday morning, and in Lérida in the afternoon, according to sources popular.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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