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HomeBreaking NewsInternet speed is the same, but quality is different: WHO SHOULD WE...

Internet speed is the same, but quality is different: WHO SHOULD WE BELIEVE?

There is a problem that is overshadowed by the rise in Internet prices in Azerbaijan. The problem is right in front of our eyes, but we cannot focus on it. We think that if prices go down everything will be fine.

In recent days, citizens have started to complain about this nuance. So, although the Internet speed is the same at the providers, the quality is different. Some users even say that the previous Internet speed of 10 Mb/s is stronger than the current Internet speed of 100 Mb/s.

But I wonder if there is any truth to this matter. What is the reason why the Internet speed is the same, but the quality is different?

An entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in the ICT field. Mehman Khalilov on the subject Oku.Azspoke with

He noted that even though the declared speed is the same, the fact that quality indicators show different results in different places may depend on several factors:

“The main reason, as a rule, is related to the network infrastructure. The most interesting thing is that this problem can occur both on the provider’s side and on the subscriber’s side. Let’s first look at the problems on the provider’s side.

In recent years, we have been deploying optical fiber at a rapid pace. As far as I know, outdated communication channels are no longer used anywhere. Thus, the use of optical fibers should increase the speed of the Internet, but the speed increase is not as much as expected, because optical fibers are an important element of the infrastructure, but not the only element of it. Signals are transmitted via optical fibers through base stations and network nodes. These nodes connect users to backbone communication channels. In the city center, these junctions and stations are more numerous, newer, and closer to each other. Government, commercial institutions, and other organizations are more concentrated in the center.

This fact makes the provision of Internet in the centre more of a priority. As a result, providers prefer to centralise both the basic staff capacity and new equipment and facilities. This is where they first start investing in infrastructure renewal. As a result, both communication within the network and bridging channels between providers become more extensive in the centre. This allows for more optimal communication establishment, minimising delays and interruptions in signals between servers and equipment, and guarantees higher speed, stability and quality.

Communication nodes outside the center are less frequent, the distance between them is greater, and the overall level of service personnel potential is lower than in the center. All this leads to a loss of quality for Internet users connected to a loaded base station. The above-mentioned reality can cause serious problems in the process of downloading files, watching videos or playing games.

The expert added that the deficiencies in infrastructure make one more issue relevant:

“It is known that the basis of the activity of providers is to buy a certain high-volume communication channel, divide it into parts and sell it to customers. Seen from this aspect, it seems that if we put all the customers of the provider together, in the end the sum of the channels that all receive from the provider is greater than the volume of the communication channel received by the provider itself.

There is no problem here yet. In all countries of the world this business is set up like this. For example, let’s give a simple example. Let’s say that the provider has 1000 customers and each of them has purchased a channel with a speed of 100 Mb/s. As a result, the volume of the customer’s upload usage channel is 100,000 Mb = 100 Gb per second. However, the provider does not purchase 100, but smaller channels, for example 10 Gb, to serve these customers, because practically all users are connected to the Internet at the same time and do not use it with maximum demand. This is most clearly observed during non-peak hours of the day. As a rule, in the evening everyone returns home from work and Internet usage reaches its peak.

In this case, the channel purchased by the provider and the infrastructure used are not enough to provide the same service to all users, and an additional load on the network is created. In this case, ISPs must use certain administrative mechanisms to provide Internet to everyone. Depending on the location of users, the servers they use, and the types of data they download, the volume of streaming on the channels is reduced or limited to a certain limit. For example, when watching high-quality videos on the “YouTube” channel, freezes, the game crashes, etc. such problems arise.

To overcome these problems, providers need to study the needs of users and periodically implement the process of infrastructure upgrade so that users can get quality service even during peak hours. I see the acceleration of processes in state providers suspending their commercial activities, in the increased competitive environment in the market and in the regulatory activity of the state in this field, not in commercial service.

Mr. Khalilov also touched on the problems faced by clients in the area of ​​infrastructure:

“Let’s say there are no problems on the provider’s side (unfortunately, whether there was a problem or not, providers always claim that there are no problems on their side, but we will still list them). In this case, the two main factors on the customer’s side are the speed of the Internet and it can influence its quality.

The first is the “Wi-Fi” device that provides the Internet connection and is used by the majority. These devices, which are mainly used today to connect to the network, operate on the “Wi-Fi 4” or “Wi-Fi 5” standards. The difference between these standards, relevant to our topic, is that devices operating on the “Wi-Fi 4” standard operate on the 2.4 GHz frequency or on electromagnetic waves of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz – “Wi-Fi 5” standard. The devices operate only at a frequency of 5 GHz. If the user wants the speed to be stable at 100 Mb/s, his device must operate at a frequency of 5 GHz, that is, it must operate on the “Wi-Fi 5” or “Wi-Fi 4” standard, which supports 5 GHz frequency.

The second factor is the cables that ensure the connection of “Wi-Fi” devices. As a rule, these cables are of the twisted pair type (“twisted pair”), which have different categories. Cable with “CAT 6” specification is recommended.

It is true that 2.4GHz Wi-Fi devices and CAT 5 specification cables can deliver 100Mb/s during testing, but this depends more on the ideal environment. In reality, due to interference from electromagnetic waves from surrounding mobile devices and the walls of the apartment or object, the actual speed may be reduced by two times or more, depending on the situation. Therefore, it is better to use the recommendations given.

Information technology specialist. Farid Amirov He also noted that the decline in quality is due to suppliers’ lack of preparedness for innovations:

“For example, if 10 people used 100 Mb/s of Internet traffic before, now those 10 people use 150 Mb/s. It depends on the number of devices used by the providers, the cable system, etc.

Sometimes the problem is also caused by incorrect solutions by IT engineers. Suppliers and companies hire young and inexperienced professionals to save money. They are required to build and improve the system. Due to the lack of technical knowledge and skills of the people in question, they give incorrect solutions. As a result, some equipment stops, the distribution of the Internet is not balanced, and citizens facing the problem are dissatisfied.

In my opinion, the issue of Internet quality will be regulated in the near future. I have noticed that smaller providers have more problems due to the fact that they have fewer financial resources.

Another reason is that sometimes the volume of the modem exceeds its load capacity. For example, the modem allows a stable connection for up to 14 people. When 20-30 devices are connected at the same time, overload occurs and the speed decreases.

Finally, I would recommend suppliers to work with a more professional team. If they do not have their own budget, they should cooperate with an external specialist or consultant. There are enough experienced people on the Azerbaijani market.”

Maharram Aliyev


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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