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Sadeco, the municipal cleaning company of Cordoba, expects to close 2024 with 4 million in losses and reach balance in 2025

Sadéco (municipal cleaning company of the City Hall of Cordoba) will approve their budgets for 2025 at its board meeting this Tuesday. Depending on the file that receives the green light, there will be accounts for “start to achieve financial balance” After two exercises of “negative results“The document also foresees a further increase in personnel costs, reaching 45.9 million.

Next year’s budget predicts that this municipal enterprise will have revenues of 73 million and expenses of 72.9. In other words, it is would produce a positive result of 86,620 eurosThe favorable balance, although very low, contrasts with what Sadeco expects. This year: calculate This will solve the problem with some losses of 4 million -in 2023 the negative result was very similar-. He had initially estimated that he would make around 44,000 euros in profit.

He The imbalance is due to income. When approving the 2024 accounts, they expected to reach 67.1 million as a turnover – the pillar of what they will receive. However, when preparing the 2025 budget, the estimate of what will finally be earned from this turnover this year is 61.9 million. They are 5.2 less (-7.7%). Here it becomes essential that Sadeco initially expected to receive from Ecoembes (non-profit operator in the waste sector) 9.6 million and END what is expected in this way are 6.3In other words, there are 3.3 million fewer (-34.4%).

In the income chapter, for next year, the section on what will be collected each year stands out. ratessection marked by an increase in what citizens will pay of 10%. The municipal government alleged that this increase was due to the recycling system that the central government requires it to implement. This means more expenses – placing the fifth container for the rest (diapers, bandages, dishes or toothbrushes) – and less income – a decrease in the contribution of Ecoembes (in 2025 it plans to reach 4.5 million in this way, 28.6% less).

Sadeco believes that due to the tariffs, will receive 29.85 million throughout 2025This figure, if reached, will imply a Growth of 20.3% compared to the latest estimate for the end of 2024 (24.81).

50 additional jobs

Inside expenses sectionAgain, the main thing is personnel. Out of every hundred euros that this municipal company will spend next year, 63 will correspond to its personnel. In 2025, expenditure in this area will amount to 45.9 million. They will be 3.4 more than in 2024the increase will therefore be almost 8%.

The file states that by 2025, “it will be plans throw a extraordinary replacement rate of 50 workers“This,” the documentation continues, “would bring us to an average workforce equivalent to 883 full-time annual employees.” Regarding what it pays to the workforce it already has, Sadeco emphasizes that it is still negotiating the collective agreement for 2025. Of course, this municipal company recalls that the ceiling in this area will be “marked” by what the state budgets set. The estimate made to establish these accounts is a salary increase of 2.5%.

Sadéco planin addition, investments worth 7.2 million -by 2024, there will be 4.9, so will increase by almost 47%-, aiming “fundamentally renew equipment [camiones y maquinaria de limpieza] and at the start of the work [urbanización de suelos] to be able to carry out the waste treatment projects that will mark the future of the company. This municipal company has in its portfolio the creation of a large green pole in its Lobatón complex to recycle thousands of tons of waste, in accordance with the requirements of the EU and the 2030 Agenda. Sadeco has calculated that the investment, in round figures, to undertake all the works. planned actions would exceed 200 million. To finance it, it will rely on the public-private collaboration model.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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