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HomeBreaking NewsA car rental portal can be created in Azerbaijan

A car rental portal can be created in Azerbaijan

The next meeting of the thematic group “Regulation and stimulation of the activities of car rental companies” was held within the framework of the working group “Tourism Development”, headed by the State Agency for Tourism of the Commission for Business Environment and International Ratings and headed by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport.

Oku.Az reports that the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport has published information on this matter.

It was reported that Vusal Shikhaliyev, Head of the Secretariat of the Commission on Business Environment and International Ratings, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Industrial Affairs of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Vusal Shikhaliyev, Head of the “Tourism Development” Working Group, Head of the Staff of the State Agency for Tourism, Kanan Gasimov and Head of the thematic group, Fariz Aliyev, Head of the Department of Transport Policy of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, at the meeting held in online format with the business Favorable discussions were held on creating a favorable environment, with the participation of competent state institutions, as well as representatives of the private sector, improving the scope of car rental, transparency of activities of business entities operating in this sphere, and increasing efficiency.

During the meeting, the results of discussions with the private sector, relevant state institutions, as well as drafts of normative legal acts developed by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, taking into account international experience, and the creation of a portal for digitalization of car rental transactions were presented. It was stated that the initiative of state regulation in this area arose in response to calls from the private sector, regarding the elimination of difficulties faced by entrepreneurs and unfair competition they face as a result of illegal activities, as well as creating conditions for their efficient economic activity, as well as attractiveness of the field for investors.

The opinions and proposals of representatives of relevant institutions as well as representatives of enterprises on the projects submitted within the framework of the discussions were heard, and ideas on additions and changes to other legislative acts related to the regulation of the field were put forward.

Recommendations were then made to the thematic group to analyse the issues raised in the discussions, summarise the views and proposals of relevant institutions and submit the final drafts to the commission within a short period of time for appropriate decisions.

For information purposes, it should be noted that the thematic group “On regulation and stimulation of the activities of car rental companies” is managed by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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